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заг. pussycat; sexual transaction (Амбарцумян); sex act (Finally, last December, guilty verdicts were handed down to a priest and nun who had gone to extraordinary lengths to protect their illicit relationship. The court found Sister Abhaya had walked in on them while they were engaging in a sex act in the kitchen, and killed her to conceal their sins. cnn.com 4uzhoj); sex ((chiefly with reference to people) sexual activity, including specifically sexual intercourse. "they enjoyed talking about sex" google.com I. Havkin)
австрал., сленг leg-over; naughty; nookie; nooky; root; bang
амер. coupling (the casual couplings of adolescents Val_Ships); home-run (to accelerate through first base (french kissing), onto second base ("heavy petting") to third base (oral sex) and finally coming around to home plate (sexual intercourse Taras); home run (to accelerate through first base (french kissing), onto second base ("heavy petting") to third base (oral sex) and finally coming around to home plate (sexual intercourse Taras)
вульг. action (usu do/have/take/get (some) action); bit of snug; combined operations; dive in the dark; leg business; myrtle; nattum (usu have a nattum); poke; shtup; grind; skin (plushkina); cush
груб. porking (an act of sexual intercourse, play on words poking/porking in Am. E. Taras)
лайка belly to belly; bouncy-bouncy; cuzzy; hump; humpery; jig-jig; jive; nookie nookey; piece of ass; tip; meat; taste; screw
Макаров the act; the sex act; service (у животных)
мед. sexual intercourse; coition; coitus; copulation; pareunia; venery; sexual congress
негр. ground rations
нотар. carnal copulation; carnal knowledge
поясн. fuck (Дмитрий_Р); fucking
психіатр. sex relation
сленг shag; frail job; he-ing and she-ing; pop; roll in the hay; valentine; Valentino; zig-zig; lay (Interex)
сленг, Макаров shag (особ. групповой секс)
ідіом. horizontal dancing (Interex)
половые акты
ООН, СНІД sex acts
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