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комплексный подходнаголоси
заг. multifaceted approach (edrmagazine.eu askandy); complex approach (WiseSnake); one-stop shop (Kleine Monsterin); multipronged approach (Svetlana D); joined up approach (Beam); combined solutions (evermore); combination of approaches (Антонина Верзакова); comprehensive strategy (к = for. A comprehensive strategy for globally integrated operations. Alexander Demidov); package deal approach
Игорь Миг multi-faceted approach; combined approach
автомат. packaged approach; unified approach
амер. package deal (тж. см. multitran.com Taras)
військ. package approach (к решению проблемы)
дип. package approach (to a problem, etc.; к проблеме и т.п.)
ек. package deal; holistic management
екол. interdisciplinary approach
енерг. multipronged attack (напр., к решению проблемы)
космон. integrative approach; integrated approach (к решению проблем)
логіст. multimodal approach (Ivan Pisarev)
мед. team approach (напр., к диагностике); multidimensional approach (Noia)
науков. integrated approach; integrated approach (Pharmaceutical Journal)
ПЗ holistic approach (to ... – к ...: The 4+1 View Model is a software architecture model that comprises five views, each representing a different aspect of the system's architecture, and provides a holistic approach to software design and development. The four views of the model are the Logical View, Development View, Process View, Physical View, and Scenarios View. The Logical View describes the system's functionality and the relationships between its components, the Development View describes how the system is developed, the Process View shows how the system operates and interacts with other systems, and the Physical View represents the system's deployment and hardware components. The Scenarios View shows how the system functions in specific use cases. elisevin)
політ. packaging (ssn)
рекл. package approach
тех. umbrella approach
юр. package policy
IT comprehensive approach
ЄБРР one-stop solution (oVoD)
комплексный межведомственный подход
енерг. interdisciplinary approach
комплексный подход
: 32 фрази в 23 тематиках
Ділова лексика1
Європейський банк реконструкції та розвитку1
Загальна лексика3
Засоби масової інформації1
Ідіоматичний вираз, фразеологізм1
Інформаційні технології1
Лазерна медицина1
Науковий термін1
Організація Об'єднаних Націй1
Системи безпеки1
Юридична лексика1