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вечеринки імен.наголоси
сленг hens and stags (напр., hens and stags are forbidden – проведение вечеринок запрещено SAKHstasia)
спорт. parties
вечеринка імен.
заг. evening; sociable; jolly; entertainment; reception; reunion; social evening; drop-in; powwow; smoko; soiree; a night out; blowout (urbandaddy.com Tanya Gesse); bash (Alexander Demidov); night on the town (z484z); company; have a get together (Ivan1992); party; do; kick up; evening fete (To celebrate her parents' 50th wedding anniversary, Eileen threw an evening fete to which she invited all their friends and family members. VLZ_58); party it up (Kireger54781); an evening party; evening party; hop
Игорь Миг partying night
австрал., розм. shelleys
австрал., сленг shivoo; tear; wing-ding
амер. shower (Organizing a shower at the office should be simple, tasteful and well-organized. VLZ_58); kegger (Taras); dayger (посреди дня; a day rager, typically celebrating some sort of event, holiday, or sometimes for no apparent reason. Activities include a heavy amount of music, bbq-ing, beer pong; a daytime rager, typically performed alone and precipitated by a day off or a stroke of good or bad luck. Usually followed by a dayover and feelings of intense shame and loneliness: Rob is throwing a huge dayger since we don't have school on presidents day; Jim got fired this morning, so he came home and had a dayger. I would have gone to support him, but I still have a job Taras); rush party (студенческих братств и женских клубов; The term "rush party" typically refers to an event or gathering held by a fraternity or sorority during the recruitment or "rush" period, which is a period of time when these organizations seek to recruit new members. A rush party is typically organized as a social event where potential recruits or "rushees" are invited to meet and interact with current members of the fraternity or sorority. The purpose of a rush party is to provide an opportunity for prospective members to learn more about the organization, its values, activities, and members, and to see if there is a mutual fit between the rushees and the fraternity or sorority. Rush parties can vary in format and theme, ranging from casual gatherings, social activities, or themed events such as game nights, parties, or dinners. The term "rush party" is commonly used in the context of fraternity and sorority recruitment processes in the United States and some other countries Taras)
амер., сленг punch; puncher
вульг. bum
військ. get-together
Макаров quite a small function; social gathering
негр. all-originals scene
рекл. evening party
розм. social; kick-up; rave-up; set-out; night out (vovazl); jamboree; rager (студенческая chronik); get-together (коллег по работе; a gathering of people, esp. for enjoyment Val_Ships); knees-up (Taras)
сленг drag; drag party; gig; hoodang; houdang; joy ride; racket; rally; scramble; shindig; workout; summer jam (A party, hopefully with lots of free beer feihoa); Russell (I've phoned for a sherbert to take us to the Russell. Interex); purty (искажённое, от "party" qwarty); fight; kiki (NGGM); jam (may be one involving alcohol and drugs VLZ_58); mixer (teterevaann); wingding (a lively event or party: the company's annual autumn wingding Horacio_O); do (I'm having a do this weekend. Would you like to come? Я устраиваю вечеринку на выходной. Не желаешь прийти? Interex); fling
Gruzovik, розм. evening newspaper
ірл.мов. fleadh (Franka_LV); craic (VLZ_58)
: 577 фраз в 44 тематиках
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Американський вираз не написання18
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Військово-морський флот1
Загальна лексика227
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