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OR [ɔ:] дієсл.
комп., Майкр. SÁU (A logical operation for combining two bits (0 or 1) or two Boolean values (false or true). If one or both values are 1 (true), it returns the value 1 (true))
 Англійський тезаурус
or [ɔ:] скор.
абрев. operatór; orientál
абрев., мед. orbitale
абрев., спорт. outside right forward
мор. order
нафт.газ residual oil
or. скор.
полім. orange
OR [ɔ:] скор.
абрев. Oregon; official receiver (a person who is ordered by the government to deal with the income and property of a company or a person after they have gone bankrupt (= are unable to pay their debts). CALD. A person appointed by the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry to act as a receiver in bankruptcy and winding-up cases. The High Court and each county court that has jurisdiction over insolvency matters has an official receiver, who is an officer of the court. Deputy official receivers may also be appointed. The official receiver commonly acts as the liquidator of a company being wound up by the court. OB&M Alexander Demidov); operational (Vosoni); out of range (4uzhoj); oil ring; output register; Oriya; operational readiness (The capability of a unit/formation, ship, weapon system, or equipment to perform the missions or functions for which it is organized or designed. May be used in a general sense or to express a level or degree of readiness. Also called OR. See also combat readiness. Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005. The purpose of pump and valve test is to assess the operational readiness of those pumps. Klimzo. Responsible for driving effective completion and operational readiness of new product... Alexander Demidov); operational search; Or; official requirement; operational operations research
абрев., IT Logical OR; Originator / Recipient; optical reader; object reuse
абрев., авто. octane requirement
абрев., автомат. observation robot
абрев., авіац. o-ring O; operation range; operation requirement; operations requirement; ordnance requirement; outside rejection; overrotation; optical reflectance; other; outgoing route; over run; oversale risk
абрев., авіац., мед. orientating response
абрев., бр.англ. other ranks
абрев., бізн. official receiver; operation and regulation; original rate
абрев., біот. ovulation rate
абрев., військ. Operational Readiness; Operations Research; Operational-Ready (system readiness rate); operational readiness; other rank (NATO; s); overhaul and repair; operationally ready; right observer
абрев., військ., ЗМУ Oak Ridge TN
абрев., ділов. operations
абрев., ек. operation research; operational research; ordinary resolution (requires a simple bare majority (i.e. 50% +1 of votes cast) to be passed. Usual notice required to be provided to members of a proposed ordinary resolution is 14 days. LE Alexander Demidov)
абрев., ел. office generator; office repeater; omnirange; operand register; optical receiver; optical reflection; optical repeater; optical resist; orientation ratio; originating register; output ready; overlay registration (mark); overrun
абрев., ел.тех. operating reserve; overload relay
абрев., землезн. office of research; optical recorder; ore reserves; reverse osmosis
абрев., комп., мереж. Organizational Role; onion routing
абрев., контр.як. operational requirements
абрев., косм. operational requirement; operations review; optical radar; oxidation resistance
абрев., мат., науков. Odds Ratio
абрев., мед. Orbicularis Oris (muscle); operating room; Odds ratio (коэффициент риска gconnell); ocular retardation; original respondent
абрев., мед.біол. objective response
абрев., науков. Oak Ridge Operations Office
абрев., нафт. oil recovery; outer row (andrushin); orthoclase; observed ratio; official record; oil remover; oil residual; oil resistance; on rail; open report; open roller; operational operations research; operations operating room; operator's representative; optical rotation; optimum resolution; orbiculár; overload rating; owner's risk; Owyhee rhyolite
абрев., опт. outside radius
абрев., полім. on request; operations research; operating range
абрев., т.м Outdoor Retailer
абрев., текстиль. gown operating gown; official referee; outward remittance
абрев., тех. VHF omnirange
абрев., футб. outside right
абрев., фізіол., мед. Open Reduction; Oriented
абрев., шотл.вир. Oregon (US state)
абрев., ЄБРР operating ratio (raf); operation report (raf)
військ. observer, right; overseas replacement
військ., абрев. officer of reserve; officer record; official records; operating resources; operation record; operational reliability; operational report; operations requirements; operations room; orange; orderly room; ordnance report; ordnance requirements; organized reserve; out-of-range; overall report
екол., абрев. overflow rate
енерг., абрев. operating rules; operation reliability; outer radius; overall reliability
комп., абрев. orbital rendezvous
нафт.газ, абрев. logic sum block
тех. onsite representative
тех., абрев. omnidirectional radio range; operating reactor; operating requirements; order register; ordering register; overall resistance
Or. скор.
абрев. Oregon Laws; Oregon; original
абрев., бібліот. oriént; orientál
абрев., землезн. order; orientation
лат. Oratio (Prayer Breviary)
юр. Circuit Court of Appeals (federal)
OR release [ɔ:] скор.
абрев., юр. own recognizance (as in "immediate OR release without bond" Val_Ships)
øR скор.
абрев., землезн. orbiculár
а/or скор.
абрев., мед. and/or
: 229 фраз в 37 тематиках
Будівельні конструкції5
Бухгалтерський облік крім аудиту26
Загальна лексика33
Залізобетонні вироби1
Імміграція та громадянство2
Інженерна справа1
Кримінальне право1
Міжнародна торгівля5
Митна справа2
Організація Об'єднаних Націй1
Охорона здоров’я2
Права людини і правозахисна діяльність9
Процесуальне право12
Сільське господарство2
Харчова промисловість3
Юридична лексика22