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 Англійський тезаурус
POINT [pɔɪnt] скор.
абрев. Paraplegics On Independent Nature Trips; Pursuing Our Italian Names Together
абрев., ел. point of inflection thermometry; polymer optical interconnect technology
point [pɔɪnt] скор.
абрев., полім. pt
POINT [pɔɪnt] скор.
абрев., юр. Prison Officers Informing Neighborhood Teens
point [pɔɪnt] імен.
військ., абрев. pnt
військ., логіст. Small area where support and service support assets are gathered. A point has only one function and is provisional most of the time. (FRA)
мед. pt (MichaelBurov)
юр., абрев. pt.
Point [pɔɪnt] імен.
військ. West Point Academy (США MichaelBurov)
point logistic [pɔɪnt] імен.
військ., логіст. Geographical area where the assets necessary to perform a task of a functional component of a logistic domain are deployed. It is usually part of a sector. FRA