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Army | preliminary evaluation
 preliminary evaluation
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 Англійський тезаурус
ARMY ['ɑ:mɪ] скор.
абрев., військ. Aren't Ready to be Marines Yet (Yeldar Azanbayev)
ARMY ['ɑ:mɪ] скор.
абрев. Ain't Really Marines Yet; Aren't Really Men Yet
абрев., військ. Ain't Ready For Marines Yet; TDA/Installation Army; The Operating Army
абрев., ООН Aren't Ready For Marines Yet
військ. automated record management study
військ., абрев. The Operating Army (divisions and corps)
Army ['ɑ:mɪ] скор.
абрев., військ. aircraft procurement
військ. Atlantic
військ., абрев. A
army ['ɑ:mɪ] прикм.
військ., логіст. Component of the armed forces e.g: land forces, etc. 2. A formation larger than an army corps but smaller than an army group. It usually consists of two or more army corps. 3. In certain States, "army" is the land component of the armed forces. (FRA); The Army comprises: the central administration, the ground forces, regional organizations, services and training organizations. The White Paper on Defense distinguishes three components, which exhaustively describe the Army: 1. projectable forces; 2. the standing security posture; 3. the standing support structure. These components can have common points. (FRA)
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