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macrophages імен.
заг. Makrophagen m
macrophage ['mækrə(u)feidʒ] імен.
заг. Makrophage m
мед. Makrophag m; Makrophagozyt m; Histiozyt m; Klasmatozyt m; rhagiokrine Zelle; Polyblast f; histiogene Wanderzelle; ruhende Wanderzelle
 Англійський тезаурус
macrophage ['mækrə(u)feidʒ] імен.
мед. A type of white blood cell that fights infection by ingesting foreign substances, such as microorganisms and dead cells. Macrophages also act as antigen-presenting cells to stimulate other immune cells to fight infection. див. також antigen-presenting cell, white blood cell
: 26 фраз в 3 тематиках
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