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TA [tɑ:] імен.
комп., Майкр. SDV-Empfänger (A two-way device provided by a cable provider that enables some one-way digital CableCARD-based consumer electronic devices such as high-definition DVRs and Media Center PCs to access digital cable channels delivered using switched digital video)
ta [tɑ:] імен.
брит. Danke! m
 Англійський тезаурус
TA [tɑ:] скор.
абрев., авто. thorax airbag; traction assist; trailing arm; two-speed axle
абрев., авіац. target advisory; technological approval; tee adapter; tentative approval; test administrator; test aid; treat alarm; thermal anti-ice; time to arrival; tooling aid; top attack; training advisor; trial assembly; trunnion angle; twin aisle
абрев., військ. tasking authority (NATO)
абрев., військ., ППО tactical assessment
абрев., зв’яз. multi-protocol Terminal Adaptor; Traffic Announcement
абрев., мед. alkaline tuberculin; temperature, axillary; test age; transaldolase; transantral; tryptophane acid (reaction); tube agglutination
абрев., тварин. transplantation antigen
абрев., тех. throttle angle
абрев., яд.фіз. threshold amount
Ta [tɑ:] скор.
абрев. absolute ambient temperature; absolute surface temperature; talc
абрев., ел. temperature of ambient
абрев., мед. tantalum; tabby; Applanation tonometry
енерг. fuel burning adiabatic temperature
ta [tɑ:] скор.
абрев., ек. thank you
Ta [tɑ:]
абрев., маш. allowable torsional moment
TA [tɑ:] скор.
абрев. transit account (вк); travel authorisation (вк); Timing Advance; Tamil; Teacher Assistant; Technical Assistant; Technology Assessment; TeenAger; Thomas Anderson; Travel Agent; Triumph Adler; TACAN approach; Tank Army; Task Authorization; Teacher Advisor; Teacher Advisory; Teacher Assassin; Teacher Assessment; Teacher's Assistant; Teaching Artist; teaching assistant (ANG); Technical Applications; Technical Architecture; Technical Associates; Tenth Amphetamine; Terminal Adaptor; Test Account; Test Article; Texas Anime; Theater Army; Thomas Austin; Time Analyzer; Time Averages; Titratable Acidity; Tits And Ass; Tony Anderson; Top Of Area; Total Alkalinity; Totally Assembled; Touchdown Anytime; Traction Avant; Trade Assistant; Traffic Analysis; Trans American; transactional analysis (Vosoni); Transistor Amplifier; Transmitter Address (FPK); Transportability Approval; Turbo Air; turnaroun (подготовка к плановому останову); Two-letter Acronym; tracking area; tetrahydrofurfuryl acrylate; track adjuster; turbulence amplifier; Typographical Association
абрев., IT Technical Assistance; Terminal Adapter; Thanks Alot; Transactional Analysis; tape; terminal adapter; text adventure game
абрев., авто. temperature air (Honda); traffic announcements (kotechek)
абрев., авіац. turn around (a.f2014); trend analysis; twin-aisle; transition area
абрев., авіац., Канада traffic advisory
абрев., анат. Tibialis Anterior (iwona)
абрев., бр.англ. Territorial Army; training
абрев., бур. temporary abandoned
абрев., бізн. tax agent; Technical Advisor; test assignment; threshold agreement; traffic agent; Transaction Analysis; Transferred Account; transhipment additional; transhipment allowed
абрев., бірж. Trading As
абрев., військ. Target Area; Technical Analysis; Time Allocation; Total Annihilation; table of allowance; target audience; theater Army; threat assessment
абрев., військ., авіац. table of allowances
абрев., гірн. temperature of air; track adjustment
абрев., ел. assist time; tactical architecture; target address; technical advisory; Telecommunications Administration; temps atomique; terminal access; terminal adaptation; texture analysis (mode); thermalization approximation; timing analysis; track address; transfer address; transit call; transition atom; transmitting amplifier; transverse acoustic (phonon); transverse acoustical mode; trunk amplifier; type approval
абрев., землезн. tholeiitic andesite; time-area; titration alkalinity; total absorption; trachyandesite; Tropical Atlantic Air Mass
абрев., кард. tricuspid atresia (атрезия трикуспидального (трехстворчатого) клапана Dimpassy)
абрев., комп., Майкр. TA (A two-way device provided by a cable provider that enables some one-way digital CableCARD-based consumer electronic devices such as high-definition DVRs and Media Center PCs to access digital cable channels delivered using switched digital video)
абрев., комп., мереж. trunk access
абрев., Макаров toxin-antitoxin, TAT
абрев., мед. Tall Athletic (тип телосложения (антропометрия) Ying); Teichoic Acid; Tibialis Anterior (muscle); Titratable Acid; Tolfenamic Acid; toxin-antitoxin; truncus arteriosus (harser); thread axis (ННатальЯ); Terminologia Anatomica
абрев., нафт. Technical Advisor (in SGSI); temporarily abandoned; transmitted amplitude; ambient temperature; technical technology assessment; telegraphic address; temperature alarm; Tertiary andesite; test accessory; thickened acid; throat area; time analog; torque adjustment; total alkylate; tracking angle; trade agreement; trans-Australian; transfer arm; transmitting antenna; triaromatics; trouble analysis; trouble analyzer; true amplitude; turbocharged after cooled
абрев., нафт.газ., сахал. turnaround (подготовка к плановому останову Steblyanskiy); Technical Authority; temporally abandoned
абрев., орг.хім. toluic aldehyde (igisheva)
абрев., осв., науков. Teaching Assistant
абрев., полім. technical assistance; terephthalic acid; thermal analysis
абрев., поліц. Traffic Accident
абрев., радіо transmission adapter
абрев., розшир.ф. Tape Address
абрев., спорт. Team Attack; Try Again
абрев., текстиль. tangible assets; tax abatement
абрев., тех. tangent angle
абрев., фін. total assets
абрев., хім. total acidity (Vladimir)
абрев., хім., науков. Tantalum
абрев., шотл.вир. Target Alert; Technical Assessment; Telephone Assembly; Telescoped Ammunition; Traffic Advisory; Transition Altitude; Triphenylarsine (Chemical warfare agent); Tuition Assistance
абрев., інт. Thanks Again; Think Again
військ. tactical advantage; tactical air; tactical aircraft; tactical airlift; tactical area; tactical aviation; target acquisition; target aircraft; target altitude; target analysis; target angle; target area; task analysis; task assignment; technical adviser; technical agreement; technical analysis; technical arrangement; technical assistant; technology assessment; terrain analysis; terrain avoidance; threat analysis; threat axis; time of arrival; torpedo aircraft; towed array; tractor artillery; training adviser; training aid; training area; training assets; transport aircraft; transport aviation; transportation authorization; travel allowance; travel authorization
екол. trichlorphenoxyacetic acid
енерг. true annealing; tax amnesty; team analysis; test analysis; thermal aging; thermal analyzer; titrometric analysis; transfer aisle; transient assessment
метео. three-hourly analysis
міжн.торг., абрев. terminal arrive
тех. tape adapter; tape advance; telegraph apparatus; telephone apparatus; telescope assembly; total audience; transmitter attenuation; transverse acoustic; true altitude
тех., абрев. turnaround
фізіол. Traffic accident
яд.фіз. Triacetin
інвест. trade acceptance; transfer agent; transferable account
ta [tɑ:] скор.
абрев. target; temperature
полім. tangential ly
фарм. tuberculin
: 14 фраз в 7 тематиках
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