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гірн. Seifenkies; Abschnitt einer Förderstrecke; Förderweglänge; Abstand zwischen Fördertrumachse und Seilscheibenachse; Zünderdraht
довк. Blei
журн. der Lead, der Vorspann
невідкл.доп. Ableitung
пром. буд. Hundeleine
трансп. буд. Förderweite
| European
заг. europäisch
| Advanced
заг. erweiterte
| Demonstrator
заг. Vorführer
| Reactor
заг. Drosselspule
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іменник | дієслово | прикметник | до фраз
lead [li:d; в значении "свинец" - led] імен.
заг. Anschlussdraht m; Blei n; Führung f; führen; in Führung liegen; Ader f; Anführung f; Hauptrolle f; Hinweis m; anführen; leiten; Bleistiftmine f; Spur f; vorangehen; vorsteigen
амер. Leitartikel m
буд. Führungsmauerwerk m; Lotecke f; Richtmauerwerk m; Stromleitung f
вим.пр. Lötmaterial n
гірн. Seifenkies m; Abschnitt einer Förderstrecke; Förderweglänge f; Abstand zwischen Fördertrumachse und Seilscheibenachse; Zünderdraht m
ек. Anhaltspunkt m
ел. Anschlussleitung f; Kontakt n; Stift m (Kontakt); Ableitung f; Voreilung f; Vorschub m; elektrische Leitung
журн. der Lead, der Vorspann (Helga Schmidt)
зброя verbleien
зв’яз. erren; Durchschuss m; Reglette f
землезн. Graphit m; Lotleine f
зоот. Zügel m
зубч.перед. Axialsteigung f (of tooth helix); Bewegungsschraube f (of tooth helix); Ganghöhe f (of tooth helix); Steigung f (of tooth helix); Steigungshöhe f (of tooth helix)
комп., Майкр. Lead, potenzieller Kunde (A potential customer who must be contacted by a salesperson and either qualified or disqualified as a sales opportunity. Leads will be converted into accounts, contacts, or opportunities if they are qualified. Otherwise they are deleted or archived)
ліс. Schleppseil n
маш. Steigungshöhe f; Anschnitt m; Gang m; Steighöhe f; Windungshöhe f
мед. Plumbum n; Ableitung f (Elektrokardiographie); Blei n (Pb)
мед.біол. Meereisrinne f; Wake f
мікроел. Anschlußleitung f; Anschluß m; Zwischenträgerbrücke f; Zwischenträger m; Anschlußbrücke f
невідкл.доп. Ableitung f (EKG)
пак. plombieren
полігр. Hauptartikel m; durchschießen
пром., буд. Hundeleine f
с/г. Voreilung des Mähbalkens
с/г., маш. Führungsrolle f; Seilführung n
стат. Vorauseilen (erfaßter Daten vor anderen, im Gegensatz zu Lag)
стріл.сп. vorhalten
тех. Leiter n; Leiterkabel n; Voreroeffnung f; Fuehrung f; Leitungskabel n; Anschlussleitung f (wire); Auswanderung f (wire); Plusleitung f (wire); Anschlußdraht m; Bleigewicht n; Gewindesteigung f; Leine f; Leitung f (auch elektrisch); Lot n; Mine; Peillot n; Schnurlot n; Senkblei n; Steigung f (Schraube); Stromverbindung f; Zuleitung f; führen zu (to); Zuführung f
трансп. Fahrrinne f; enge Durchfahrt
трансп., буд. Förderweite f; Transportweite f
трансп., с/г. Rückelinie f
футб. Vorsprung m
фіз. Ganghöhe f (of the screw); Teilung f; Vorhalt m (e.g. of the control); Zulaufrohr n; Zuleitungsrohr n
фін. Plombe f
хім. Anleitung f; Ganghöhe f (Steigung); Blei n (plumbum)
юр. führende Rolle
юр., АВС Vorsprung m (over vor)
leads імен.
заг. führt; leitet
буд. Rammanlage m
трансп., буд. Maekler m
"lead" імен.
н.тенн. "führen"
спорт. "in der Führung sein"; führen
lead ... [li:d] імен.
заг. aus Blei
lead pencil [li:d; в значении "свинец" - led] імен.
заг. Mine Bleistift
linear lead [li:d; в значении "свинец" - led] імен.
вим.пр. lineare Voreilung
lead press [li:d; в значении "свинец" - led] імен.
заг. Aufmacher m
lead sounding line [li:d; в значении "свинец" - led] імен.
заг. Handlot n
lead dog lead [li:d; в значении "свинец" - led] імен.
брит. Hundeleine f
instrument lead [li:d; в значении "свинец" - led] імен.
вим.пр. Zuleitung f
lead A heavy toxic bluish-white metallic element that is highly malleable; occurs principally as galena and is used in alloys, accumulators, cable sheaths, paints, and as a radiation shield, Pb [li:d; в значении "свинец" - led] імен.
довк. Blei n
lead of thread [li:d; в значении "свинец" - led] імен.
мет., маш. Gewindesteigung f
lead [li:d] дієсл.
гірн. fördern; transportieren
зв’яз. sperren
мед.біол. Rinne
науков., ел. Phasen-Voreilwinkel
опт. voreilen
пром., буд., маш. Überhang
тех. lenken; münden; veranlassen; verleiten; vorwaertsschwenken (Blaetter)
тех., буд. Abschnitt
lead [li:d] прикм.
хім. bleiern
 Англійський тезаурус
lead [li:d] скор.
абрев., IT ld
абрев., амер., сленг quarterback (Who is going to quarterback the meeting?)
США In intelligence usage, a person with potential for exploitation, warranting additional assessment, contact, and/or development (JP 2-01.2)
LEAD [li:d] скор.
абрев. Leadership Effectiveness And Adaptability Description; Leadership, Empowerment, And Development; Leadership, Enhancement, And Development; Leadership, Ethics, Achievement, and Development; Leadership, Experience, And Development; Leadville Corporation; Lean Enterprise Across Disciplines; Laser Engraved Application Development; Leadership Education Advocacy And Determination; Leadership Education And Academic Development; Leadership Education Application And Discovery; Leadership Education Application Discovery; Leadership Education The Anti Drug; Leadership Empowerment And Development; Leadership Enhancement And Development; Leadership Enrichment Acceptance And Development; Leadership Ethics Achievement And Development; Leadership Evangelism And Discipleship; Leadership Excellence Achievement And Diversity; Leadership Excellence Action And Dedication; Leadership Excellence Authenticity Discipleship; Leadership Experience And Development; Leading Edge Administrators Determining; Learning Encouragement Application And Discipleship; Legal Education To Arrest Delinquency; Legal Experience And Academic Development; Legislative Education And Awareness Day; Lindsay Extreme Action Development; List of Emerging Activations and Dispositions; Live Evangelize Assurance Disciple; Local Economic Advocacy For Democracy; Low-Cost Encryption/Authentication Device
абрев., військ. Leadership, Education, And Development; Launched Expendable Acoustic Decoy
абрев., військ., ЗМУ Letterkenny Army Depot, Chambersburg, PA
абрев., довк. Leadership for Environment And Development; Local Environmental Awareness Development
абрев., ел. leadership and excellence in the application and development; learn, execute and diagnose (strategy); least action dissolution (algorithm); lens electronic automatic design
абрев., мед. Lead Education Abatement Design Group; Leaders Engaged on Alzheimer's Disease
абрев., назв.орг. Livestock Environment and Development Initiative
абрев., осв. Leadership Education Action And Development; Leadership Education Advocacy And Development; Leadership, Education, Adventure, Direction; Leadership, Education, and Academic Development; Leadership, Excellence, Achievement, and Diversity; Letting Education Achieve Dreams; Levittown Educators Against Drugs
абрев., осв., науков. Leadership, Education, Action, and Development; Leadership, Education, Advocacy, and Determination
абрев., рел. Leadership, Evangelism, And Discipleship
абрев., розшир.ф. Live Early Adoption and Demonstration (W3C)
абрев., сист.безп. low cost encryption and authentication device
абрев., шотл.вир. Launched Expendable Acoustic Device
абрев., юр. Legal Education to Arrest Delinquency; Legal Experience and Academic Development; Legislative Education and Awareness Day; Linking Efforts Against Drugs
військ. Letterkenny Army Deport
LEADS скор.
абрев. Launch Explore Achieve Discover And Serve; Law Enforcement Accountability And Direction System; Law Enforcement Automated Data System; Law Enforcement Automated Database Search; Leadership Education And Development For Students; Leadership Education And Discipleship School; Leadership Emergence Action Development And Sustainability; Leadership Excellence And Dedicated Service; Leading Edge Application Designed Systems; Learn Evolve Apply Develop And Serve
метео. Lockheed environmental analysis and display system
тех. Leigh airborne data acquisition system
Lead [li:d] скор.
абрев., шотл.вир. Pb
Lead European
: 2 фрази в 1 тематиці
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