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 Англійський тезаурус
LA [lɑ:] скор.
абрев. MPEG Licensing Administration (MPEG); Love Again; legal assets; lotus agglutinin; Kansas City Southern Railway Company; Laboratorios America (Guatemala Alex Lilo); Laboratorios America SA (Spanish, Colombia Alex Lilo); Laboratory of Anthropology (Museum of New Mexico Alex Lilo); Lack Of Action; lack of approval (ННатальЯ); Ladies Auxiliary (VFW Alex Lilo); Lake Athabaska; Lancaster (UK post code Alex Lilo); Lance Armstrong (велосипедист Alex Lilo); Landscape Architects; Language Assistant; Latchable Address; Latin; Latin America; Latino Asians; Lawrence Arthur; Legislative Assembly; Lick Ass; Life Assurance; Limp Airplane; List Access; Literal Achievement; Little Angel; Lloyd's Agent; Local Academy; Long Acting; Looking Attractive; Los Angeles Field Office; Losers Always; Losers Anonymous; Lost Assholes; Lots Of Assholes; Lotsa Ass; Lunatic Asylum; Lupus Anticoagulant; Low Altitude
абрев., IT load address; Linear Arithmetic
абрев., авто. low alloy
абрев., авіац. laser alignment; left angle; lens axis; lift assembly; limited approval; longitudinal accelerometer unit; loop aerial; lower assembly; LAN-Chile S.A.
абрев., авіац., мед. linguistic analysis
абрев., бр.англ. leading aircraftman; lieutenant-at-arms
абрев., військ. lead agent; line amplifier; loop key generator LKG adapter
абрев., військ., авіац. lag angle
абрев., геогр. Los Angeles (acrogamnon); Louisiana (Vosoni)
абрев., ел. laboratory automation; laser aligner; launch analysis; launch antenna; layered architecture; left asymmetrical; lens antenna; lens array; light armor; limited authentication; linear approximation algorithm; link architecture; local address; logarithmic amplifier; logical address; logic analyzer; logic array; logout analysis; longitudinal acoustic phonon; loop adapter; LocalTalk adapter
абрев., ел.тех. lightning arrester; load adjuster
абрев., зв’яз. line access module
абрев., контр.як. Landscape Architect (Alex Lilo); Landscape Area (zoning Alex Lilo); Lao People's Democratic Republic (Alex Lilo); Large Animal (Alex Lilo); Laser Annealing (Alex Lilo); Late Arrival (Alex Lilo); Lateral Area (geometry Alex Lilo); Lauantai (Finnish: Saturday Alex Lilo); Lavochkin (Советский авиаконструктор Alex Lilo); Lawrence Academy (Massachusetts, USA Alex Lilo); Lead Acid (batteries Alex Lilo); Lead Agent (Alex Lilo); Lead Auditor (Alex Lilo); Leap Attack (Diablo II game Alex Lilo); Learning Aptitude (Alex Lilo); Left Arm (Alex Lilo); Legislative Affairs (Alex Lilo); Legislative Assistant (Alex Lilo); Length-For-Age (Alex Lilo); Lenkungsausschuss (German: steering committee Alex Lilo); Lethbridge, Alberta (Canada Alex Lilo); Letter of Authority (Alex Lilo); Leukotriene Antagonist (Alex Lilo); Level Absolute (Alex Lilo); Lewiston/Auburn, Maine (Alex Lilo); Liberal Arts (Alex Lilo); Library Assistant (Alex Lilo); Library Association (UK Alex Lilo); License Application (Alex Lilo); Licensie d'Arts (Alex Lilo); Light Assist (nursing Alex Lilo); Lightning Attack (gaming Alex Lilo); Limited Area (security Alex Lilo); Limited Availability (Alex Lilo); Line Adapter (Alex Lilo); Linea Aerea Nacional (Lan-Chile, IATA airline code Alex Lilo); Linear Adaline Algorithm (Alex Lilo); Linguoaxial (Alex Lilo); Link's Awakening (video game Alex Lilo); Listing Agent (Alex Lilo); Little Athletics (QLAA Alex Lilo); Liverpool Arms (UK Alex Lilo); Living Area (Alex Lilo); Llama Alliance (gaming clan Alex Lilo); Load Address (IBM Alex Lilo); Load Allocation (Alex Lilo); Loan Agreement (Alex Lilo); Loan Amount (Alex Lilo); Local Alarm (Alex Lilo); Local Application (Alex Lilo); Location Area (Alex Lilo); Locator Arm (Alex Lilo); Logistics Analyst (Alex Lilo); Los Alamos (publication Alex Lilo); Lost Animal (Alex Lilo); Louis Armstrong (singer Alex Lilo); Love Always (Alex Lilo); Low Alcohol (beer Alex Lilo); Low Angle Detachment Zone (Alex Lilo); Low Approach (Alex Lilo); Low-Alarm (Alex Lilo); Lower Alabama (Alex Lilo); Laos (Alex Lilo); Lucas Arts (Alex Lilo); Lumen Area (Alex Lilo); Lupic Anticoagulant (Alex Lilo); Lymphoma Association (UK Alex Lilo)
абрев., лаб. Lab Assistant; Lumpus Anticoagulant
абрев., Макаров laser anneal
абрев., мед. Lactic Acid; Lactic Acidemia; Leukemia Antigen; Lightwood-Albright (syndrome); Linoleic Acid; lethal action; local anaesthesia (bigmaxus); latex agglutination; left auricle; leucine aminopeptidase; local anesthetic; left atrium (Vosoni); left arm
абрев., мед., лат. lege artis
абрев., нафт. level alarm; load acid
абрев., нафт.газ., сахал.ю. LukArco; Luke Arco
абрев., опт. laser gyro axis
абрев., орг.хім. linolenic acid (igisheva)
абрев., пласт.хір. lumbar artery
абрев., под. live animals fees (авиаперевозка Yuriy83)
абрев., полім. lactic acid; light alloy; lighter than air
абрев., політ. Laos
абрев., пошт. Lock Andrus (lock or key)
абрев., рекл. large account
абрев., розшир.ф. Netscape packetized audio (LiveAudio)
абрев., тех. liquid additive (blacksmit)
абрев., фарма. labelled amount (заявленное значение (например АФИ на этикетке лекарственного препарата) ochernen)
абрев., фізіол. LeukoAraiosis
абрев., ЦП legal asset
абрев., шотл.вир. Luftangriff Angriffs (Air attack (Germany)); Louisiana (US state)
абрев., імун. lupus anti coagulant (MichaelBurov); lupus anti-coagulant (MichaelBurov); lupus antibody (MichaelBurov); lupus anticoagulant (MichaelBurov); lupus inhibitor (MichaelBurov)
абрев., ґрунт. lagoon
військ. laser altimeter; launch abort; launch area; launch azimuth; lead angle; leave allowance; legal adviser; length average; letter of activation; letter of advice; light artillery; lighter-than-air; link analysis; local agent; local authority; lodging allowance; loop antenna; low altitude; low angle
енерг. licensed activity; licensing and administration; limited applicability
метео. look ahead
тех. laser anemometer; licensing & administration; licensing assistant; linear accelerator; linear adder; linear amplifier
La [lɑ:] скор.
абрев. lane; lava; Lanthanum; Lawson criterion
абрев., землезн. lacrimal; laser
абрев., мед. blood lactate
абрев., мед., застар. lambert
абрев., нафт. lamprophyre; laterite; lawsonite
картогр. Lousiana
тех., абрев. lanthanum
La. скор.
абрев. Louisiana Reports; Lahore; last; Louisiana
США State of Louisiana (MichaelBurov)
la [lɑ:] скор.
абрев. natural logarithm
тех. low ambient (с обогревом для низких окружающих температур - функция авторефрижератора translator911)
la. скор.
абрев. large
абрев., геолог. lava
LA [lɑ:] скор.
абрев. length, average
абрев., авіац. lateral axis; linear accelerometer; longitudinal axis
абрев., бізн. large; last; law agent; letter of authorization; line assembly
абрев., ек. landing account
абрев., землезн. lake area; leaf area; library association
абрев., косм. laminating adhesive; link allotter; logic address; longitudinal accelerometer; loop aerial [antenna]; low attitude
абрев., мед. local anesthesia (iwona)
абрев., нафт. L-attenuator; Lao (People, s Democratic Republic); large aquifer; late Aftonian; latent acid; lateral accretion; latex low-ammonia latex; laurylamine; level allowance; lighting admixture; link acknowledgement; address; liquid level alarm; lithic arkose; local area; loess and alluvium; logging analysis; long arm; long-acting; low-amplitude
абрев., текстиль. liquid assets
абрев., торг. landing agent
абрев., хім. lauryl amine
LA [lɑ:] скор.
абрев., кард. left atrial (Баян)
: 144 фрази в 20 тематиках
Європейський Союз1
Загальна лексика33
Міжнародна торгівля1
Назва організації1
Організація Об'єднаних Націй3
Охорона здоров’я3
Природні ресурси та охорона природи2
Сільське господарство3
Юридична лексика4