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 Англійський тезаурус
sec [sek] скор.
абрев. secant; secret; secretary; section; sectional; sector; security; Single Cotton Covered; Somatic Cell Concentration
абрев., військ. section SEC
опт. secant of
IT second
sec. скор.
абрев. sector; security; seconds (Vosoni); section
абрев., мат. secant
полім. secondary
μsec скор.
абрев., ел. microsecond
SEC [sek] скор.
абрев. Second; Secretary; Sponsor Executive Committee; State Electricity Commission; Safe Energy Coalition; Save The Earth Campaign; School Encouraged Corruption; Scientific Estimates Committee; secondary; See Everyone Cheats; Send Extra Cocktails; Single Edge Cartridges; Single Error Correction; Skull Eating Carnivores; So Everyone Cheats; Some Easy Conference; Special Ed Conference; Special Equipment Compensation; Specimen Exchange Chamber; Speed Eliminates Competition; Studio Equipment Complex; Stupid Exchange Comission; Superior Economic Compensation; Supply Executive Committee; Surely Everybody's Cheating; Sustainable Energy Coalition; Synergy Electronic Commerce
абрев., IT Single Edge Cartridge; scientific and engineering computation; single-error correction
абрев., авіац. special event charter flight; secondary computer; software enabled control; source error correction; source evaluation committee; spoiler and elevator computer
абрев., бр.англ. Southeastern Command
абрев., бірж. Securities and Exchange Commission; Specialty Equipment Companies, Inc.
абрев., вибори Subject Electoral Commission (RF MichaelBurov)
абрев., військ. Seconds; Section; Security and Exchange Commission; Space and Electronic Combat
абрев., військ., ЗМУ Size Exclusion Chromatography
абрев., ек. securities exchange Commission
абрев., ел. Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd.; SDH equipment clock; secure electronic commerce; SE/SE computer; single edge contact cartridge (technology); solar energy concentrator; solution enablement center; sound effect controller; space environmental chamber; spatial error corrector; standard exchange card; submarine emergency communications (system); superemissive cathode; switching equipment congestion; synchronous equipment clock; synchronous external clock
абрев., ел., науков. Service Entrance Cable; Single Edge Contact
абрев., комп., мереж. Security Exchange Commission
абрев., лаб. size exclusion chromatography
абрев., логіст. security charges (Yuriy83); Secure Electronic Transaction
абрев., мат., науков. Secant
абрев., мед. Sociedad Española De Citología; Spontaneous Echo Contrast (echocardiography); Swollen Endothelial Cell; spontaneous echo contrast (harser); soft elastic capsule; staphylococcal enterotoxin С
абрев., мор. Safety Equipment Certificate (Lesya1986)
абрев., мор., науков. South Equatorial Current; Space Environment Center
абрев., назв.орг. Subregional Office for Central Asia
абрев., науков. Space Environmental Center
абрев., нафт. US Securities and Exchange Commission (serz)
абрев., нафт.газ., сахал. Sakhalin Environmental Company
абрев., опт. secondary emission conductor; short external cavity
абрев., осв., науков. Software Experience Center
абрев., под. security charge (авианакладная Yuriy83)
абрев., розшир.ф. Disney Animation Studio Secured animation file; Pretty Good Privacy SECret key ring file
абрев., спорт. South Eastern Conference; Standard Entry Class
абрев., стат. Standard Error of Calibration (Игорь_2006); standard error of calibration (Wakeful dormouse)
абрев., т.м Southern Electric Contracting
абрев., трансп. Spoiler Elevator Computer
абрев., фізіол. Series Elastic Component
абрев., фін. Secretary's Department
абрев., хроматогр. size-exclusion chromatography (iwona)
абрев., хім. solid electrolyte cell
абрев., ЦП regulation S-X
абрев., шотл.вир. Satellite Engineering Cabin; Secondary Electron Conduction; Societa Esercizio Cantieri SpA (Italy); Spoiler & Elevator Computer; Standard Evaluation Circuit; Submarine Element Co-ordinator; Suppressor Environment Characterizer (USA)
абрев., імун. staphylococcal enterotoxin C
військ. ship engineering center; submarine element coordinator; support equipment change
енерг. Secretary of Commission
тех. secondary electron conduction vidicon; secondary electron conductivity; secondary emission chamber; section emergency coordinator; sensor engagement controller; size-exclusion chromatography; special event charter
Sec. скор.
абрев., ек. secretary; second of exchange
абрев., землезн. second
юр. Securities
SECS скор.
абрев. Survivable and Enduring Communications System
абрев., військ., авіац. seconds
абрев., ел., науков. Semiconductor Equipment Communications Standard
secs скор.
абрев. sections
secs. скор.
абрев. seconds (Vosoni)
secs скор.
абрев., бізн. securities
Secs. скор.
абрев. securities
SEC [sek] скор.
абрев. single edge connector; simple electronic computer; Sulfur Export Corp.
абрев., IT Super Error Concealment (Johnny Bravo)
абрев., бізн. secretarial
абрев., ек. Specific Energy Consumption (Drozdova); Securities & Exchange Commission
абрев., ел. single error correcting (code)
абрев., електр. secondary winding
абрев., землезн. secondary electron-conduction vidicon; Sinotech Engineering Consultants, Inc. (Indonesia); specific electrical conductivity; State Electricity Commission of Victoria; State Electricity Commission of Victoria (Australia); stress engineered cutter; sulfite evaporator condensate
абрев., косм. secondary-electron conduction; secondary emission cathode; sequential events controller
абрев., нафт. Sarkeys Energy Center; selected ecological component; skin effect correction; sonde error correction; specific electric conductance; spherical and exponential compensation; steric exclusion chromatography
абрев., радіо super extended C (Челядник Евгений); secondary electron conduction target vidicon
абрев., телеком. security screening
абрев., тех. SOx emission control
абрев., торг. State Economic Commission; Supreme Economic Council
абрев., фарм. Single European Code (Единый европейский код peregrin)
SEC [sek] скор.
абрев., геофіз. Spreading and Exponential Compensation (Kazuroff)
: 14 фраз в 5 тематиках
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