
   Англійська Нідерландська
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if one of the two | institutions
заг. instelling; instituut
сист.безп. orgaan
| fails
гідравл. bezwijken
| to
ел. vertragen; tegenhouden
| approve
комп., Майкр. goedkeuren
пром. goedkeuren
the proposed | act
мист. akte
it shall be deemed | not
автомат. NIET-
| to
ел. vertragen
have | be
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 Англійський тезаурус
IF [ɪf] скор.
абрев. Indian Forces; interceptor fighter; interstitial fluid
абрев., бур. int. flush; internal flush style connection thread
абрев., бізн. insufficient funds
абрев., гірн. inside foreman
абрев., ек. interest factors
абрев., землезн. frame identification; Idaho falls; impedance factors; Indus Formation; infiltration factor; intensification factor; intermediate fistulipores
абрев., комп. information collector
абрев., косм. integration facility; integrity flag
абрев., мед. infraorbital fat (ННатальЯ)
абрев., мед.біол. intermediate filament
абрев., нафт. in full; infra-red; initial flow; inner flat; instruction field; insulating fluid; interrupted frequency; intrinsic factor; inverted file
абрев., спорт. international Federation
абрев., фін. informal finance
IF [ɪf] скор.
абрев. Impact Factor; Individually Funded; Industrial Flat; Information Forager; Intelligent Finance; Internal Focusing; Internally Focused; Inventing The Future; Identification Frequency; inside frosted; Institute of Fuel; Intermediate Frequency (as in IF stage); Interrogation Facility; Investment Fund
абрев., IT Conditional statement; Index File; Input File; Instruction Fetch; Interrupt Flag; AC International Federation of Automatic Control
абрев., авіац. intermediate fix (MichaelBurov); Initial Fix (ARINC 424 Path Terminator Interex); Intermediate approach Fix (Interex); intermediate approach fix; important features; installation feature; installation fixture; interference fitting
абрев., біол. initiation factor
абрев., бірж. Indonesia Fund
абрев., військ. Intelligence Fusion; Intercept Facility; intermediate frequency
абрев., військ., ППО instantaneous fuze
абрев., дієтол. intermittent fasting (iwona)
абрев., ел. information flow; improvement factor; incremental frequency; induction-free cable; information function; infrared frequency; instruction format; integrated ferroelectrics; integration framework; intermittent frequency; intracoded frames; invisible file; interrupt enable flag
абрев., ел., науков. Input Filter; Interface
абрев., ел.тех. internal friction
абрев., ЗМІ Independent Film; Interest Factor
абрев., зоол. intromission frequency (Min$draV)
абрев., комп. interrupt flag (ssn)
абрев., контр.як. initial failure
абрев., Макаров impact fusion
абрев., мед. Hyperpolarization-activated Current (heart Electrical Activity); immunofluorescence; inspiratory force; involved field (radiotherapy)
абрев., менедж. independent float
абрев., мол. infant formula (igisheva)
абрев., наук.-досл. impact factor (MichaelBurov); Individual Fellowships (Natalya Rovina)
абрев., нафт. impact force; internal flush (andrushin)
абрев., осв. Informed Families
абрев., полім. insoluble fraction
абрев., с/г. inhibiting factor
абрев., телеком. i.f.
абрев., торг. Industrial Fund
абрев., трансп. Intermediate Fix
абрев., фін. Integrated Framework
абрев., шотл.вир. Instrument Flying; Intensive Flying (UK Royal Navy)
абрев., шт.інтел. Initial-Final
абрев., імун. interferon
абрев., інт. Interactive Fiction; It's For; internet filtering (Andrey Truhachev)
абрев., ґрунт. isofrigid soil temperature regime; interfluve land element
військ. impact fuze; in-flight; information feedback; infrared; infrared filter; instruction folder; irregular force
військ., абрев. intermediate fix
ел., ЗМІ Intermediate frequency
мед. interfilaments
метео. ice fog
прогр., абрев. Conditional statement (IF, THEN, ELSE)
тех. image frequency; inhomogeneous field; instantaneous frequency; insulating film; insulation failure; interference filter; intrinsic feedback; intrinsic field
if [ɪf] скор.
абрев. infrastructure; instrument flight
If [ɪf] скор.
абрев. fracture index
if. скор.
абрев., бейсб. infielder
if one of the two institutions fails to approve the proposed act , it shall be deemed not to have be
: 2 фрази в 2 тематиках
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