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довк. fred
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до фраз
cold No definition needed [kəuld] імен.
довк. fred
 Англійський тезаурус
COLD [kəuld] скор.
абрев. Disheartening; Computer Output on LaserDisk
абрев., IT Computer Output To Laser Disk; computer output to laser disk
абрев., ел. coherent light detector; computer operation laser disc; computer output to laser disc
абрев., мед. Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease; Computer Output On Laser Disk; chronic obstructive lung disease; chronic obstructive airways disease
абрев., мор., науков. Council on Oceanographic Laboratory Directors
абрев., нафт. computer output to laser disk
абрев., розм. not caring
військ. coherent light detector
cold [kəuld] скор.
абрев. colored; coloured
абрев., сленг cawd (Interex)
тепл., абрев. c
Cold [kəuld] імен.
заг. the Council of Industrial Design
абрев., тех. C (Insulation TheFellowShipper)
cold. скор.
абрев., бібліот. colored
: 1 фраза в 1 тематиці