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мед. ـين
мед. رمز الإِنديوم
заг. داخل; في
мед. رمز البوصَة
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заг. تتقدم; تقدم
ек. ترق; نمو
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прийменник | прикметник | скорочення | до фраз
in [ɪn] прийм.
заг. داخل   ؛في
мед. رمز البوصَة
In [ɪn] прийм.
мед. رمز الإِنديوم (ند; In)
in- прийм.
мед. سابقة للدلالة على النَّفْي
-in прийм.
мед. ـين (لاحقة كيميائية)
 Англійський тезаурус
in. скор.
абрев., ек. insurance
IN [ɪn] скор.
абрев. Director of Intelligence (also A2; Air Force Component)   ؛identification number (Yuriy83)   ؛Indiana Northeastern Railroad Company   ؛Individual Network (e.v., organization, ISP)   ؛Indonesian   ؛Influence Net   ؛Infonet Services Corporation   ؛Ingress Node   ؛Input Byte or Word   ؛Instrument Specialties   ؛Intelligent Network (AIN)   ؛International Negotiations   ؛International NOTAM Office   ؛intranasal
абрев., бізн. inch   ؛indigo   ؛inlet valve   ؛item number
абрев., біол. insoluble nitrogen
абрев., військ. Air Force component intelligence officer (staff)   ؛impulse noise
абрев., геогр. Indiana (Vosoni)
абрев., ел. instrument   ؛integrated network   ؛internal node   ؛Internet navigator   ؛interrogating node
абрев., ел.тех. insulator
абрев., зв’яз. intelligent network
абрев., землезн. ice nuclei   ؛inclinometer   ؛Indiana (US)   ؛indicated number   ؛inner zone   ؛instrumentation notice   ؛intrinsic curvature
абрев., комп., мереж. information network
абрев., кіно interpositive (q3mi4)
абрев., мед. intranasal (Denis_Sakhno)   ؛Interstitial Nephritis   ؛intranasal (via intranasal(IN)route Maggotka)
абрев., нафт. incompatibility number   ؛indentation number   ؛inert navigation   ؛intelligent work   ؛interconnecting network   ؛injector   ؛inner neritic (sea)
абрев., полім. iodine number
абрев., політ. India
абрев., розшир.ф. Installation file (HP NewWave)
абрев., шотл.вир. Indian Navy   ؛Inertial Navigator   ؛India (NATO country code)   ؛Indiana (US state)
абрев., ґрунт. inundic phase
військ. inertial navigation   ؛infantry   ؛input   ؛instructor   ؛instructor navigator   ؛instrument note   ؛intelligence   ؛internal note   ؛interpreter   ؛item name
мол. Intranasally
нафт.газ input terminal
тех. inertial   ؛information notice   ؛inlet   ؛integrated navigation computer   ؛interception   ؛intermittent noise
in [ɪn] скор.
абрев. inclination   ؛income (Vosoni)   ؛interest   ؛tort (Andrew5)
абрев., землезн. incaite   ؛increase
абрев., ЦП impede a contractor
картогр. inches
сленг fashionable (The tie you are wearing is really in)
in. скор.
абрев. inlet
абрев., ек. inch (es)   ؛interest
абрев., тех. inches
полім. inch   ؛indigo
inup 3 [ɪn] скор.
нафт.газ., сахал. cubic inch
IN [ɪn] скор.
абрев., авіац. inches   ؛inspection
абрев., мед. initial dose   ؛neutralization index   ؛number of incompatibilities
in [ɪn] скор.
абрев., мед. incidence   ؛inside   ؛instruments
In [ɪn] скор.
абрев. Indian   ؛nominal current (MichaelBurov)   ؛rated current (MichaelBurov)   ؛Indium   ؛liquid nitrogen
абрев., косм. heater current   ؛mean horizontal candle power
μin скор.
абрев. microinch
IN$ скор.
абрев., IT Installation file
inup 2 [ɪn] прийм.
нафт.газ., сахал. square inch (es)
in progress
: 5 фраз в 4 тематиках
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