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Protocol van Nagoya
 Protocol van Nagoya
заг. ABS Protocol; Nagoya Protocol; Nagoya Protocol on ABS; Protocol on Access and Benefit-Sharing
| inzake
патент. on account of
| toegang
заг. access
зв’яз. трансп. making land
маш. access chamber
трансп. буд. access gallery
| tot
риб. yawling
| genetische rijkdommen
 genetische rijkdommen
хобі. культур. фарма. genetic resources
| en
с/г. ел. inoculation
| de
матеріалозн. буд. dismantle
| eerlijke
с/г. матеріалозн. authentic
| en
с/г. ел. inoculation
billijke | verdeling
мат. distribution
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до фраз
Protocol van Nagoya
заг. ABS Protocol; Nagoya Protocol; Nagoya Protocol on ABS; Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization to the Convention on Biological Diversity; Protocol on Access and Benefit-Sharing
Protocol van Nagoya inzake toegang tot genetische rijkdommen en de eerlijke en billijke verdeling: 5 фраз в 1 тематиці