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заг. refund
комп., Майкр. chargeback
марк. cancellation of an entry; reversal of a posting; reversal of an entry; reverse entry
с/г. риб. return
фін. reversal transfer
іммігр. repatriation
af | kursregulering
комп., Майкр. exchange adjustment
af | v
тех. linear velocity
rdipapirer | samt
заг. both ...and ...
indt gter | i
заг. within
forb med | kursregulering
комп., Майкр. exchange adjustment
af ka
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до фраз
tilbageførsel імен.
заг. refund
комп., Майкр. chargeback (The return to a customer's account of funds that were used to purchase an item. This may occur as a result of a customer's contacting a bank to dispute a credit-card transaction); writeback (The result of an operation that occurs when data is entered into a writable cell in a PerformancePoint Add-in for Excel matrix. The data is submitted to PerformancePoint Planning Server, saved to a relational fact table, and then the source data cube is updated)
марк. cancellation of an entry; reversal of a posting; reversal of an entry; reverse entry
с/г., риб. return
фін. reversal transfer
іммігр. repatriation
tilbageførsler імен.
фін. EIB reflows; reflows
tilbageforsel af kursregulering af: 1 фраза в 1 тематиці