
   Испанский Английский
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общ. accommodation
недвиж. covenant
обр. settlement
окруж. convention; common rule; convention
ООН. agreement
тех. adjustment
юр. agreement
юр. бизн. орг.пр. arrangement with creditors
| entre
мат. between
| el
общ. he
| Gobierno
эк. government
| de
общ. out of
| la Republica Francesa
 la República Francesa
полит. the French Republic
| el
общ. he
| Gobierno
эк. government
| de
общ. out of
| la Republica Federal de Alemania
 la República Federal de Alemania
полит. the Federal Republic of Germany
- найдены отдельные слова

существительное | глагол | к фразам
convenio m
общ. accommodation
недвиж. covenant
обр. settlement
окруж. convention International agreement on a specific topic; common rule; convention
ООН. agreement
стр. contract agreement
тех. adjustment
юр. agreement mutual promises; contract; del; bargain
юр., бизн., орг.пр. arrangement with creditors
convenio   m
юр. agreement
convenirse глаг.
юр. reach an agreement; convene
Convenio entre el Gobierno de la Republica Francesa, el Gobierno de la Republica Federal de Alemania
: 2 фразы в 1 тематике
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