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remuneration [rɪ'mju:nə'reɪʃ(ə)n] сущ.ударения
общ. вознаграждение (• They demanded adequate remuneration for their work. • In return for some caretaking duties, we are offering a free flat and a small remuneration. • a remuneration package. OALD. ...the continuing marked increase in the remuneration of the company's directors... $31,000 is a generous remuneration. CCB. Mr Quinn sits on the remuneration committee that decided to cancel bonuses normally awarded to senior executives. IRISH TIMES (2002) New Bridge Street, a management consultancy, advises more than 30 per cent of FTSE 100 companies on executive remuneration. INDEPENDENT (1999) Next year we plan to table a vote on directors ' remuneration whether legislation requires it or not," UTV added. BELFAST TELEGRAPH (2003). Collins Alexander Demidov); заработная плата; оплата; компенсация; оклад; мзда (Anglophile); воздаяние; условия оплаты труда (British English: Someone's remuneration is the amount of money that they are paid for the work that they do. NOUN...the continuing marked increase in the remuneration of the company's directors. Collins – АД); жалованье; заработная плата (AD); материальное возмещение (за работу, услуги и т.п. Vadim Rouminsky); условия оплаты труда (British English: Someone's remuneration is the amount of money that they are paid for the work that they do. NOUN...the continuing marked increase in the remuneration of the company's directors. Collins Alexander Demidov); награждение; возмездие
банк. денежное вознаграждение сотрудников
бухг. функция вознаграждения; плата за оказанные услуги (Bivan)
ЕБРР. денежное содержание (military personnel only)
МВФ. вознаграждение
нефт.газ. вознаграждение (contract Пахно Е.А.)
нотар. награда
патент. возмещение убытков
стр. жалование
тех. денежное вознаграждение
труд.прав. оплата труда
управл.проект. стоимость работ (Ася Кудрявцева)
фин. содержание
эк. гонорар; возмещение; плата (вознаграждение); вознаграждение (гонорар)
юр. оплата услуг (agreement); порядок расчётов (Alim_Husseinov)
Gruzovik, уст. жалованье
remunerations payable after: 1 фраза в 1 тематике
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