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представляет интересударения
общ. it is of interest
Макаров. the case is of interest
представлять интерес
общ. promise (MichaelBurov); intrigue; be of interest (для, to); be not without interest (Представляют интерес = Not without interest are. Not without interest are the facts that his first wife was fifteen years older then he, his second wife fifteen years younger, and the latter survived him by fifteen ... | Also not without interest are his references to the descendants of the Portuguese soldiers, who had come with Christovao da Gama, and had remained in the ... Alexander Demidov); be advantageous (This method may be advantageous where it is desired to have a materially increased section of metal. I. Havkin); appeal
Игорь Миг not to be irrelevant
Макаров. be of some interest; be of concern
торп. be of interest (для кого-либо, to smb.)
юр. be attractive (для кого-либо Leonid Dzhepko)
представлять интересы
общ. promote interests (yo); act for (act for somebody | act on behalf of somebody: to be employed to deal with somebody’s affairs for them, for example by representing them in court. OALD Alexander Demidov)
Макаров. defend the interests
эк. represent the interests
юр. act in the name and on behalf of (доверителя, например 4uzhoj); represent (в тексте доверенности: X hereby authorizes and appoints Y to represent X at the Ministry of Justice (X доверяет Y представлять интересы X в министерстве юстиции) Leonid Dzhepko); act for and on behalf of (доверителя, например 4uzhoj); act on behalf of (Proprietor's Agent will be authorised to act on behalf of the Proprietor in respect of all matters arising out of or in connection with this Agreement and to sign the Agreement on behalf of the Proprietor. 4uzhoj)
представлять чьи-либо интересы
общ. plead (в суде)
дип. represent interests
полит. represent someone's interests
эк. plead
представляя интересы
общ. on behalf of (какой-л. стороны)
бизн. acting for (Natalia_Profi)
представлять чьи-л. интересы
общ. represent smb.'s interests
представляет интерес
: 91 фраза в 19 тематиках
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