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общ. fairly; anent; concerning; respective; reasonably; ratably
мат. tangentially; under
| его
общ. his
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существительное | прилагательное | наречие | предлог | к фразам
относительно сущ.ударения
общ. relative to
относительно нареч.
общ. about; against; toward; towards; relatively; respectively; in reference to (чего-л.); regarding; respecting; with regard to; re; on; as to; with reference to; pertaining to; comparatively; touching; as touching; in the matter of (Interex); -wise (aconty); in terms of (Franka_LV); talking of; fairly well (ssn); relatively speaking (Inna Oslon); in connection with or arising out of (чего-либо; договор ROGER YOUNG); in relation to; when it comes to (применительно к ... Alex_Odeychuk); of; IRT (Tetyana92); for (чего-либо, кого-либо zeev)
Gruzovik concerning
Игорь Миг in regards to
бизн. prior (Ksysenka)
горн. as relating to
ж/д. as regards
канц. anent
лат., Макаров. in re
Макаров. as for; pertaining; with relation to; with respect to; as pertains; after (указывает на объект внимания, заботы и других действий)
мат. moderately
мат., Макаров. in (напр., однородный относительно координат)
мех. for
мор. relating
науч. with respect (чего-либо Taylor); compared with (Alex_Odeychuk)
нефт.газ. be referenced to something (чего-либо Johnny Bravo)
патент. in the case of
прогр. fairly (ssn)
телеком. in respect of (oleg.vigodsky); in the respect of (oleg.vigodsky)
тех. rather (Мирослав9999)
фр. apropos
хим.номенкл. to (Min$draV)
хроматогр. w.r.t. (чего-нибудь; with reference to... masenda)
эк. vis-à-vis (Each currency is given a value vis-à-vis the other currencies. A.Rezvov)
юр. subject (в документах dashaalex)
относительный прил.
общ. relative; respective; ratable; comparative; relational; relativistic
Gruzovik reference
горн. nominal (о погрешности)
грам. relatival
дор. related
космон. selfrelative
лингв. ungradable (о прилагательном Mila_Wawilowa)
Макаров. per unit; specific
мат. fractional; nondimensionalized
метрол. fractional (напр., о погрешности)
нефт. self-relative
прогр. percent (ssn)
психол. circumstantial
стр. apparent
юр. in personam (о праве)
относительно... прил.
сейсм. as respects...
относительная прил.
маш. relative error
относительно нареч.
общ. fairly (e.g., fairy similar Alexander Demidov); anent (чего); concerning (sb., sth., кого-л., чего-л.); respective; reasonably (Luckily their parents had managed to persuade the boys not to wreck the furniture at home, and keep their bedrooms reasonably tidy. VLZ_58); ratably
мат. tangentially; under (the set of natural numbers is not closed under subtraction)
относительно предл.
общ. as concerns (they inquired as to the actual reason – они осведомились об истинной причине); in regard to; in the context of (Alex_Odeychuk); over; in case of; in reference with (чего-л.); relating to (sb., sth., кого-л., чего-л.)
мат. with respect to (antisymmetric function with respect to x • a finite limit with respect to the weak topology • for the above reason, this term is called the condition number of A with respect to inversion • the algebra of square n x n matrices with respect to the multiplication of matrices • a finite limit with respect to the weak topology • measurable with respect to • the error in B with respect to x is equal to; • be symmetric with respect to); over (a hypercomplex system over a commutative field; • multiplication is distributive over addition in the set of natural numbers;); relative to (this is a device that provides reactive force when in motion relative to the surrounding air • the position relative to the fixed axes); for (the equation is solved for y); about (the moment of inertia about two of the coordinate axes); as respects; as; as regard to; relating to; WRT (with respect to)
СМИ. in with reference to; in with regard to
юр. relative to (чего-либо: relative to his age he's in quite a good shape – для/относительно своего возраста он в довольно хорошей физической форме)
относительно... предл.
сейсм. in reference to...; with reference to...; with regard to...; in relation to... (чего-л.); with respect to...
относительно его
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