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юр., дог. shall
общ. indebted; responsible; bound; owing; beholden to for; duty-bound
офиц. beholden
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общ. spend
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воен. авиац. to ...
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общ. own
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общ. arrival
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обязать глаг.ударения
общ. bind over; make; bound; undertake; engage; obligate; lay under obligation; lay under an obligation (кого-либо); bind upon (gennier); place someone under an obligation (RomanDM); encharge; indebt; injoin; bind someone by a commitment (кого-либо); bind someone by an obligation (кого-либо); charge; do someone a favor; do someone a favour; make it incumbent (upon); commit; bind; peg down (to; кого-либо сделать что-либо); force (Moscowtran); place under an obligation (Local authorities should be placed under an obligation to complete the work. 4uzhoj); oblige
Gruzovik charge (pf of обязывать); make (pf of обязывать); make it incumbent upon (pf of обязывать); do someone a favor (pf of обязывать)
Игорь Миг order (о суде)
бизн., юр. hold somebody to a promise (кого-либо алешаBG)
гос. mandate (посредством законодательства: Under Bill 44, the provincial government has mandated that municipalities change their zoning bylaws by June 30. (vancouversun.com) ART Vancouver)
дип. lay under obligation (кого-либо)
Макаров. lay someone under an obligation (кого-либо); make it incumbent; peg down (to; кого-либо сделать что-либо)
патент. oblige
юр. compel (someone to do something; напр., суду надлежит обязать ответчика аннулировать лицензию Leonid Dzhepko); cause (кого-либо – someone напр.: Franchisee undertakes to refrain and cause any of its agents to refrain from... – Франшизополучатель обязуется воздерживаться и обязать каких-либо своих агентов воздерживаться от... Leonid Dzhepko)
обязанный прил.
общ. indebted (to); responsible; bound; owing (кому-либо); beholden to someone for something (кому-либо, чем-либо); duty-bound (по долгу службы Anglophile); liable (The author asssesses the likelihood of health-care librarians being held liable for the service they provide and discusses methods of reducing this risk. Babylon Spanish Alexander Demidov); due; under an obligation; obliged (with inf., to); required (to); obligated (to); liable for; liable to; under an obligation; under obligation
дип. bound a predic.; under an obligation (договором и т.п.)
корп.упр. required (igisheva)
Макаров. bounden; under an obligation (договором и т.п.); under an obligation to (someone – кому-либо); under obligation to (someone – кому-либо); under obligation (договором и т.п.)
мат. is responsible for; due to; owing to
офиц. beholden
патент. obligor; obligant
рекл. under obligation (связанный договором)
уст. redevable
эк. indebted (кому-либо)
юр. laid under obligation; obligated (bind or compel (someone), especially legally or morally: the medical establishment is obligated to take action in the best interest of the public. NOED Alexander Demidov)
обязаться глаг.
общ. oblige; engage; bind oneself; commit oneself to do something (bookworm); make a commitment (Alex Lilo); charge; do someone a favor; do someone a favour; make it incumbent (upon); pledge oneself; pledge (to); bind; make; bind one's self; engage one's self; be engaged; tie one's self up; undertake (to)
Gruzovik pledge oneself (pf of обязываться)
арх. undertake (за кого-либо)
бухг. undertake
Макаров. commit oneself; be under an obligation
нотар. obligate
офиц. be committed to (We are committed to providing equal opportunities in all aspects of employment. – обязуемся ART Vancouver)
разг. be under obligation
юр., дог. assume the obligation (Поставщик обязуется .... – The Supplier assumes the obligation to ... ART Vancouver)
очень обязанный прил.
общ. under an obligation to (sb., кому-л., за что-л.); under an obligation to sb. for (sth., кому-л., за что-л.); under obligation to (sb., кому-л., за что-л.); under obligation to sb. for (sth., кому-л., за что-л.)
обязан прил.
быть обязанным
юр., дог. shall (Ремедиос_П); shall be obliged to (Regardless whether or not any of these persons has made such an appeal, the Procurator shall be obliged to challenge any unlawful or unwarranted sentence.)
кто-либо обязан прил.
корп.упр. it is someone's responsibility to do something (делать что-либо igisheva); is is the responsibility of someone to do something (делать что-либо igisheva)
обязанным прил.
СМИ. bind (to)
обязавшийся прич.
юр. obligated
 Русский тезаурус
обязаться глаг.
юр. см. тж. обязуется (4uzhoj)
обязанный проживать в
: 2 фразы в 2 тематиках
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