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ландгерихт, суд второй инстанцииударения
юр. regional court (ФРГ; OxfordDudenConcise: Amtsgerichte (local or district courts), similar to the US municipal or county courts, are the lowest level of ordinary courts in Germany. They work in a two-tier system with the Landgerichte (regional courts) and deal with minor cases. There are four levels of ordinary courts hearing both civil and criminal cases: the Amtsgericht (Local Court), Landgericht (Regional Court), Oberlandesgericht (Higher Regional Court) and the Bundesgerichtshof (Federal Supreme Court). Most legal proceedings at the local court are handled by magistrates. The regional courts handle more serious cases and deal with local court appeals; a panel of lay judges sits with a professional judge in a regional court; Wahrig: Landgericht: zustдndiges Gericht fьr mehrere Amtsgerichte; Landesgericht: österr. fьr> Landgericht; Amtsgericht: das unterste Gericht in der Hierarchie der Gerichte (1) (zustдndig fьr Entscheidungen im Straf-, Zivil- und Handelsrecht) rafail)