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Не то слово!ударения
разг. I'll say! (informal — Used to indicate emphatic agreement: Jack's put on a bit of weight recently. – I'll say! Andrey Truhachev)
не то слово
это точно
общ. and then some (AnnaOchoa); xxx isn't the word for it (Anglophile); ... doesn't even begin to cover/describe it; xxx is no word for it ("Ridiculous" is no word for it, as far as I'm concerned. I would call it criminal. ART Vancouver); you don't know the half of it (контекстуальный перевод Ремедиос_П); you have no idea (Zippity)
разг. you can say that again! (VLZ_58); no shit (April May)
не то слово!
общ. it is not the word!
разг. ain't that the truth (SirReal); of course! (MichaelBurov); you bet! (MichaelBurov); right you are! (MichaelBurov)
Не то слово
: 22 фразы в 3 тематиках
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