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 Английский тезаурус
GS сокр.
воен., сокр. gasoline supply; general schedule; general stores; grade system; ground surveillance; guidance simulator; guidance station; guidance system; gunnery school; gunnery sergeant; gunnery support
воен., тех. ground support
инвест., сокр. government stocks
метеор., сокр. small hail
сокр. Gallery Special; Gamma Stable; General Schedule; Global Studies (Dalilah); government stock (s Vosoni)
сокр., авиац. Glideslope (глиссадный радиомаяк (на земле) или приемник (на борту) Киселев); ground speed; glide angle; glide path; ground stop; ground spoiler; guarded switch; Ground Service; ground stabilized; general service administration
сокр., амер. General Staff
сокр., бизн. galvanized steel; general secretary; government securities
сокр., бр.англ. General
сокр., воен. general support; general service; group separator; Government Service
сокр., воен., авиац. garrison support
сокр., воен., ПВО. Gaussian second order
сокр., вред. grease
сокр., землевед. Committee on Geophysical Sciences; garnet skarn; Geochemical Society; geodetic satellite; geoid surface; geological survey; geometrical spreading; geosyncline; glass; green laser; greenschist; greenstone; greisen; gross reservoir storage; ground servitude; ground surface; gulf stream
сокр., ИТ. general station; grayscale; Group Seperator (ASCII character)
сокр., картогр. guard station
сокр., клим. Gold Standard
сокр., комп.игр. Great sword (bajituka)
сокр., комп.сет. ground station
сокр., корп.упр. General Service category
сокр., косм. gateway station; geodesic satellite; geographic survey; geosurvey satellite; Globalstar; ground supply
сокр., космон. Geological Survey (USA)
сокр., лаб. Growth System
сокр., Макаров. gyroscope
сокр., метеор. Gardner Syndrome; Goodpasture Syndrome; gestational sac (harser); General Surgery; Gerontological Society; glutamine synthetase; ground speed
сокр., нефт. gas show; gamma spectrometry; gas coning; gauge surface; gel stabilizer; gel strength; General specification; general speed; general storage; Geographical Society; Geological Society; Glaciological Society; glycol succinate; grainstone; gravelly sand; green shales; gross sales; South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands; guide shoe; gun sketch
сокр., нефт.газ. gas supply (m3/day MichaelBurov)
сокр., нефт.газ., сахал.а. gas chromatograph
сокр., нефт.газ., сахал.ю. sour gas
сокр., ООН. general service post
сокр., ООН., бухг. General Service
сокр., полим. German silver
сокр., полиц. gunshot (as in "a GS wound" Val_Ships)
сокр., с/х. growth stage (фаза роста и развития (растения), например GS30, GS21 to GS59 В. Бузаков)
сокр., спорт. game situation; games started
сокр., стр.мт. grade strength (robino)
сокр., телеком. Generic Standards (asia_nova)
сокр., тех. groundspeed
сокр., ф.расш. Gofer script (Haskell language dialect)
сокр., фин. Goldman Sachs Group; gross spread
сокр., ЦБ. Goldman Sachs
сокр., шотл.выр. Glide Slope
сокр., эл. glide slope (receiver); gas source; gate-source-bias method; Gaussian spot (system); general search (radar); general semantics; glassy semiconductor; graphics system; grey scale; ground state; ground system; group selector; group shot; group switch; guaranteed service; Scharfetter-Gummel algorithm; General Sound
сокр., эл.тех. generator simulator
сокр., энерг. grate surface
тех., сокр. gas chromatography; gas signal; gateway switch; general search; general shot; gland seal; gland steam system; glide slope receiver; gram per second; graphic system; gray scale; green strength; guidance section; gyrostabilizer
экол., сокр. groundwater station
энерг., сокр. gas stream
Gs сокр.
сокр. gauss; grain size; guineas
сокр., нефт. geometrical factor of shoulder bed
сокр., тех. gress
энерг. instantaneous solids circulation mass flux in riser
энерг., сокр. solids circulation rate; solids mass flux
gs сокр.
сокр. gallons (Vosoni); grandson
сокр., мед. group specific
gs. сокр.
сокр., библиот. guineas