
   Итальянский Английский
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общ. statement; allegation
ИТ. markup declaration
ИТ. обр.дан. declarative; directive
комп., Майкр. declaration
полит. declaration
проц.прав. representation
связь. declaration statement
юр. связь. reply
| sull
с/х. French honeysuckle
inammissibilita | dell
общ. some
| intervento
юр. intervention
negli | affari
фин. business
| interni
с/х. пром. busher
degli | Stati
ИТ. эл. database state
| e
мед. redox potential
| sulla
с/х. англ. sulla
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к фразам
dichiarazione m
общ. statement; allegation; state
ИТ. markup declaration
ИТ., обр.дан. declarative; directive
комп., Майкр. declaration (A binding of an identifier to the information that relates to it. For example, to make a declaration of a constant means to bind the name of the constant with its value. Declaration usually occurs in a program's source code; the actual binding can take place at compile time or run time)
полит. declaration
проц.прав. representation
связь. declaration statement
юр., связь. reply
dichiarazioni m
эк., пищ. claims
Dichiarazione sull'inammissibilita dell'intervento negli affari interni degli Stati e sulla
: 2 фразы в 1 тематике
ООН Организация Объединенных Наций2