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Eingabebereich m
изм.пр. input range (area)
ИТ. input storage; input area (Daten)
ИТ., мед.-биол. input block
комп., Майкр. input panel (A software accessory that enables you to use a variety of direct input methods (such as handwriting, speech, touch, stylus, gestures, and so on) to interact with Windows-based programs. An input panel can include a writing pad and a character pad to convert handwriting into typed text or mathematical equations, and an on-screen keyboard to enter individual characters); Input Panel (A Tablet PC accessory that enables you to use handwriting, speech, or an on-screen keyboard to enter text, symbols, numbers, or keyboard shortcuts. You can use it to interact with any Windows-based program)
тех. input area; input range
: 2 фразы в 1 тематике