
   Французский Английский
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общ. Centre Party; Centrist Party
лингв. head
МВФ. mid-point; midpoint
мед. centre point
патент. mean; medium
тех. амер. center
фин. inner part
| for
банк. place of jurisdiction
| Marketing
полит. marketing
| Information
эк. information
| and
комп., Майкр. AND
Advisory | Services
эк. service
| for
банк. place of jurisdiction
Fishery Products | in
полит. местн. Indiana
| Latin
иск. Latin
America | and
комп., Майкр. AND
| the
эк. tea
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существительное | глагол | прилагательное | к фразам
centre m
лингв. head
МВФ. mid-point; midpoint
мед. centre point; centrum
мед.-биол., окруж. center of population
патент. mean; medium
стат. centre of location
стр. axis
тех., амер. center
фин. inner part
хим. centre
centré m
МВФ. unbiased
Centre m
общ. Centre Party; Centrist Party
centre глаг.
комп., Майкр., Канада. Hub (A place to access a set of related content and experiences. A Hub brings together apps, services and content of the same theme. A Hub weaves apps, services and content together in a way that makes sense, so that everyday tasks are easier, with fewer steps)
мат. centre of a range
centrer глаг.
комп., Майкр. center (To align objects or text around a point located in the middle of a line, page, or other defined area; in effect, to position items an equal distance from each margin or border)
маш. center; centralize; centre
мед.-биол. to bring into coincidence; to centre
связь., мет. to align
стр. to center; to punch
centré глаг.
ИТ., трансп. zeroed
мет., эл., стр. central
centré прил.
ИТ., обр.дан. centred
мет. matched
мет., эл., стр. axial
 Французский тезаурус
centre m
сл. nom
Centre for
: 1 фраза в 1 тематике
Английский язык1