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checkpoint ['ʧekpɔɪnt] сущ.
общ. punto de control
комп. punto de reanudación
комп., Майкр. punto de comprobación (An event in which the Database Engine writes dirty buffer pages to disk. Each checkpoint writes to disk all the pages that were dirty at the last checkpoint and still have not been written to disk); punto de control (In a server cluster node`s registry, a snapshot of the Cluster subkey or of an application subkey. The checkpoint is written to the quorum disk when certain events take place, such as a node failure)
ООН., полит. puesto de control
трансп., авиац. punto de comprobación
 Английский тезаурус
checkpoint ['ʧekpɔɪnt] сущ.
воен., логист. A place where military police check vehicular or pedestrian traffic in order to enforce circulation control measures and other laws, orders, and regulations. 2. A predetermined point on the surface of the Earth used as a means of controlling movement, a registration target for fire adjustment, or reference for location. 3. Center of impact; a burst center. 4. Geographical location on land or water above which the position of an aircraft in flight may be determined by observation or by electrical means. (FRA)
воен., сокр. chkpt; ckpt
: 11 фраз в 2 тематиках
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