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AIDS aquired immune deficiency syndrome; The acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is caused by HIV-virus manifested by opportunistic infections and/or malignancies, and the mortality rate is very high. The syndrome results from a breakdown of the body's disease-fighting mechanism that leaves it defenceless against infections, such as pulmonary tuberculosis, Pneumocystis pneumonia, certain blood infections, candidiasis, invasive cervical cancer, Kaposi's sarcoma or any of over 20 other indicator diseases. No effective treatment is available. A striking feature of AIDS is the wide spectrum and frequency of infections with life-threatening pathogens seldom seen in normal hosts. The illness may begin with insidious signs and symptoms, and the process may be more diffuse than when the same conditions are seen in other immune-compromised patients. Four patterns of disease occur in AIDS patients. The pulmonary pattern, the central nervous system pattern, the gastrointestinal pattern, and the pattern of fever of unknown origin. Most patientswho recover from a given opportunistic infection subsequently either have a relapse or develop a new type of infection. Many patients continue to have a wasting syndrome and experience such infections as oral thrush. Feelings of depression and isolation are common among AIDS patients and can be intensified if health care workers display fear of the syndrome [eɪdz] глаг.
окруж. AIDS
AIDS [eɪdz] сокр.
эк. AIDS
 Английский тезаурус
AIDS [eɪdz] сокр.
сокр., авиац. aircraft airplane integrated data system
сокр., землевед. advanced impact drilling system; airborne integrated data system; American Institute for Decision Sciences; automatic inventory dispatching system
сокр., комп. automatic integrating debugging system
сокр., косм. automatic integrated data system
сокр., нефт. American Institute for Decision Science; artificial intelligence data system
сокр., ООН., СПИД. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
AID [eɪd] сокр.
сокр., авиац. accident/incident/deficiency; aerospace information digest; airborne integrated data system; aircraft identification determination; aircraft installation delay; aircraft integrated data; argon ionization device; audit item disposition; Aircraft Installation Delay (Interex)
сокр., авто. air injection diverter; air injection dual
сокр., биол. artificial insemination with donor semen; artificial insemination with donor's semen
сокр., мед. approval by individual diagnosis
сокр., рекл. Arbitron Information on Demand
Aid [eɪd] сокр.
сокр., мед.-биол. anti-idiotype antibody
сокр., нефт. aldehyde
aid [eɪd] сокр.
сокр. acute infectious disease
aid. сокр.
сокр., хим. aldehyde
AIDS [eɪdz] прил.
груб., сокр. I'm a lame ass.
сокр., авиац. accident data system; airborne indication detection system; airborne inertial data system; airborne instrumentation data system; automatic identification data system
сокр., мед. acquired immune deficiency syndrome
сокр., текст. Association of Interior Decoration Specialists
AIDS [eɪdz] сокр.
воен. advanced integrated data system
воен., сокр. Air Force intelligence data system; Army information and data system; Army inventory of data systems; action information display system; administrative information data system; advanced integrated display system; aerospace intelligence data system; aircraft integrated data system; aircraft intrusion detection system; automated information data system; automated information dissemination system; automated integrated data system; automated inventory distribution system; Advanced Identification System
сокр. acquired immune deficiency syndrome; Acquired ImmunoDeficiency Syndrome
сокр., авиац. airborne information display system
сокр., авиац.мед. airborne integrated display system
сокр., автомат. advanced interactive debugging system
сокр., воен. acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
сокр., мед. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (I. Havkin); Acquired Immune Deficiency Or Immunodeficiency Syndrome
сокр., назв.орг. Implications of HIV/AIDS on Food and Agriculture
сокр., онк. Acquired Immune Deficiency Sydrome
сокр., шотл.выр. Acoustic Intelligence Data System
сокр., эк. AIDS
сокр., эл. advanced integrated display system; acceptor idle state; advanced integrated debugging system; advanced interactive display system; advanced interconnection development system; all-purpose interactive debugging system; architectural iterative design system; automatic illustrated documentation system; automatic information display system; automatic interactive debugging system
тех., сокр. automated identification division system; automated information directory service; automated intelligence data system; automatic intelligence data system; automation instrument data service
n uk AIDS [eɪdz] сокр.
общ. AIDS gai1 ichi1
Aids: 259 фраз в 23 тематиках
Государственный аппарат и госуслуги1
Естественные науки1
Общая лексика18
Окружающая среда5
Пищевая промышленность1
Права человека и правозащитная деят.1
Сельское хозяйство6
Юридическая лексика11