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sizzled глаг.ударения
сл. пьяный (Interex)
sizzle ['sɪz(ə)l] глаг.
общ. зашипеть; обжигать; испепелять; опалять; испепелить; обжечь; прошипеть (Andrew Goff); поджариваться (lettim); кипеть от злости; шипеть (при жаренье); шкворчать (of food) make a hissing sound when frying or cooking: The bacon began to sizzle in the pan. • We can smell bacon and beans sizzling on an open fire next to a chuck wagon. • If the butter sizzles loudly and melts and bubbles quickly, the pan is ready. • And I promise there is no finer aroma than breakfast bacon and eggs sizzling contentedly in a pan as you take the first, fresh look at the day over England's finest countryside or seascapes. oryx_and_crake)
перен. быть в возбуждённом состоянии; кипеть от возмущения; страстно хотеть (испытывать сексуальное желание)
разг. страдать от жары
сл. гореть от злобы; умереть на электрическом стуле; гореть от возмущения; курить траву (Konstantin Mikhailoff); зажигать (в переносном смысле Konstantin Mikhailoff)
Gruzovik, разг. пошипывать; пошипеть
 Английский тезаурус
sizzle ['sɪz(ə)l] глаг.
общ. make a hissing sound when frying or cooking (of food: The bacon began to sizzle in the pan. • By the time my dad woke up and walked into the kitchen I had a frying pan with bacon and sausage sizzling on one ring of the range, and another with four eggs frying. • We can smell bacon and beans sizzling on an open fire next to a chuck wagon. • The grapes sizzled, sputtered, and melted into syrup, basting and braising the sausages in their bubbling juices. • The showers have paused and the sun brushes the patio as the steaks and sausages sizzle on the grill. • The mushrooms sizzled invitingly as Kathryn tucked into a garlic-soaked slice of Italian bread. • If the butter sizzles loudly and melts and bubbles quickly, the pan is ready. • The bap was delivered to our table with the bacon still sizzling from the pan. • Bacon is sizzling in the pan, scrabbled eggs are on and the champagne is ready to be uncorked. • Heat until the butter sizzles and is the colour of hazelnuts. • Bacon is sizzling in the pan, and toast pops up from the toaster. • The weather was good as the steaks sizzled away on the giant barbeque grills along side baked jacket potatoes. • And I promise there is no finer aroma than breakfast bacon and eggs sizzling contentedly in a pan as you take the first, fresh look at the day over England's finest countryside or seascapes. • This dish consisted of cubes of fresh tuna almost sizzling in a tangy sauce of tomatoes, red and green peppers, onions, garlic and potatoes, with a hint of wine to give it added zest. • Large sausages sizzled in a covered tray, and at the end of the line was a stack of hot buttered toast. • He has never eaten meat (or anything connected to it) his entire life. I asked him if he gets hungry when he smells hamburger or steak sizzling, and he said no. • He carries on conversations with everybody, tools in hand, one eye always on the manly meats sizzling under his command. • The brownish mush in the pan was beginning to sizzle. • There was a pad of sausage and bacon, sizzling on an open grill, setting off the smell of sweet scented pork. • We hear sizzling and other happy sounds emanating from the kitchen. • Cast iron pots and pans steamed and sizzled on the wood-fired stovetop. lexico.com)
разг. be very hot (We sizzled in blazing sunshine this week. • Yesterday's sizzling temperatures look set to continue for at least the next few days, with forecasters predicting highs of 90F in many Yorkshire cities today and tomorrow. • Saturday's sizzling temperature - 43°C in Lismore - made conditions difficult. • Dave Strachan is one of 22 forecasters at the Met Office in Stockport behind the predictions of blue skies and sizzling temperatures. • Well, seething, sizzling and scorching, soaring temperatures are causing another day of misery across much of the country. • It's summer down here at the moment & it's sizzling hot! • Could bubbles be the way to go when it's sizzling outdoors? • As youngsters, they can even handle the heat of California's sizzling San Bernardino and Imperial valleys. lexico.com)
разг., перен. be very exciting or passionate (They simply sizzle as their affair develops • Now can I just say that if you are getting down with it on a regular basis and the passion is sizzling, then you can't really be having a problem in your marriage then can you? lexico.com)
: 1 фраза в 1 тематике