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язык мой – враг мойударения
общ. my tongue runs away with me (Anglophile)
идиом. the unruly member
посл. an ox is taken by the horns, and a man by the tongue; he cannot speak well that cannot hold his tongue (used to mean: one's speaking too freely (or/and too much) does harm to the speaker); one's tongue runs before one's wit (contrast: a still tongue makes a wise head); my unruly member is not my best friend; my tongue is my enemy; no wisdom like silence; ox is taken by the horns, and a man by the tongue
язык мой враг мой
идиом. me and my big mouth (Yeldar Azanbayev)
Язык мой враг мой
посл. A man's ruin lies in his tongue (Maggie); A fool's tongue is long enough to cut his own throat (Maggie); don't let your tongue say what your head may have to pay for; the tongue of men is the whip of God; what a man suffers is the punishment of his tongue (Maggie); the human tongue is more poisonous than a bee's sting; there is no venom like that of the tongue
язык мой-враг мой
Макаров., посл. he cannot speak well that cannot hold his tongue
посл. an ox is taken by the horns, and a man by the tongue (дословно: Быка берут за рога, а человека-за язык)