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OTS сущ.ударения
Gruzovik, науч. орбитальный экспериментальный спутник (orbital test satellite)
OT [əʊt] сущ.
нефт. наработка (operating time)
OTS сокр.
бизн. возможность увидеть рекламное сообщение (opportunity to see)
комп., Майкр. запрос на повышение прав (A version of elevation prompt that allows an administrator to enter administrative credentials to allow a process to run with the full access token of the administrator during the standard user session)
нефт. отдел технического обслуживания (office of technical services); нефть, поступающая на поверхность (oil to surface)
нефт.газ.тех. система обучения операторов (Operator Training System r0a73)
рекл. охват рекламной кампании (opportunity to see Alexander Oshis); возможная аудитория обращения
Ots сокр.
собств. Отс
 Английский тезаурус
OTS сокр.
воен. off-the-shelf; officers' training school; operational test series; operational test site; operator training simulator; optical tracking system; orbital transport system; out-of-service; over-the-shoulder
нефт.газ. operator training system
сокр. Office of Thrift Supervision; Office of Thrift Supervisor; Old Time Stuff; One Time Settlement; One To Six; Operations Testing and Simulations; Organization for Tropical Studies; Oahu Telecommunications System; Object Time System (Vosoni); Object Transaction Service (CORBA); Obligatory Tit Shot; Occupational And Technical Studies; Office Of Traffic Safety; Office TeleSystem (OA); Officer Training School; Om Tat Sat; One-Time Source; opportunities to see; out of service; Officers' Training School; Offshore & Trawl Supply (kee46); optical transmission section
сокр., авиац. Anacortes, Washington USA; Operational Training Specialist; Organized Track Structure; organized track system; others; official traffic station; optical target simulator; orbiting test satellite
сокр., авто. open two-seater; oil temperature switch; off-tool sample
сокр., астр., науч. Oasa Tamura Sugitani
сокр., банк. other modes of transport (including postal and courier services MichaelBurov)
сокр., бр.англ. operational training squadron
сокр., бухг. off-the shelf (software package)
сокр., воен. Off The Shelf; Operational Test Site; Optical Tracking System; one-time source
сокр., воен., космон. orbit telecommunications satellite
сокр., землевед. Office of Toxic Substances; Oilmen's Technical Society
сокр., ИТ. Om Tat Sat Solutions, PVT., LTD.; object transaction service (Bricker)
сокр., контр.кач. Off-The-Shelf (iwona)
сокр., косм. optical test satellite; optical tracking satellite; orbiting telecommunications satellite
сокр., космон. orbital test satellite
сокр., логист. Order Tracking System
сокр., межд.отн. Organization of Turkic States (Есенжан)
сокр., муз. Open Theme Standard
сокр., назв.орг. Ocean Transportation Service
сокр., науч. Occupational and Technical Studies
сокр., нефт. oil to surface; odor taste & stain; offshore tubular services; Oil Technology Services; oil transfer system; on-line terminal system; oversea transportation system
сокр., обр., науч. Oxford Traffic Strategy
сокр., опт. one-at-a-time search; optical transport system
сокр., почт. Office of Technical Support (USPS Procurement)
сокр., связь. Optical Transport Section
сокр., СМИ. Opportunity To See; Orbital Test Satellite
сокр., спорт. Only The Strong
сокр., т.м. OM TAT SAT Solutions Pvt., Ltd.
сокр., трансп. Office of Traffic Safety; Organized Track System
сокр., фин. Overseas Trade Statistics
сокр., шотл.выр. One-man Operated Ticketing System
сокр., эл. office of technical service; operator telephone system; optical terminal set; optical test station; originating time switch; outlet terminal system; output time stage; overseas telecommunications service; own time switch
тех. office of technical services; optical technology satellite; optical tracking servo; overlap telling and surveillance; ovonic threshold switch
энерг. operating technical specifications
: 5 фраз в 3 тематиках
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