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общ. tie oneself in knots; get balled up (Interex); become confused
Игорь Миг tie oneself up in knots
Макаров. get confused; tie oneself into knots; tie oneself up in knots
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общ. disorientate; obfuscate; disorient; bedevil; bewilder; perplex; trip up (She always tries to trip up her opponents with taunts and mind games. 4uzhoj); beat out of reason; throw somebody for a loop (wiktionary.org twinkie); unsettle (Alex_Odeychuk); disturb the judgement; draw a red herring across the path; draw a red herring across the trail; put off someone's stride (alia20); deceive; throw; addle (Bullfinch); screw up (Bullfinch); trip; flummox; baffle; confuse; distract; baffle (The Avangard gliding warhead is a re-entry vehicle designed to perform erratic hypersonic manoeuvres to baffle defence systems. (ВВС) ART Vancouver); overset
Игорь Миг disconcert; frustrate
арх. bemaze
бизн. unphase (иногда в этом же смысле используют "faze" iki)
дип. disturb the judge
Макаров. snarl; bowl down; bowl out; snarl up
образн. put someone off someone stride (кого-либо alia20)
перен. blear the eyes
посл. muddle (someone / кого-либо)
разг. embrangle; throw off (q3mi4); knock down with a feather (Aly19); break one's chops (Stop); slew; punk (Victorian)
сл. gum up; buffalo; muddle up
уст. embarrass
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Макаров. turn someone's brain
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образн. throw out of one's reckoning (Dostoevskij's "Crime & Punishment" (Part 4, Chap.5) by Constance Garnett flashforward)
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: 39 фраз в 7 тематиках
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