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подводная охотаударения
общ. underwater hunting (crimsony); spear fishing (тж. spearfishing Taras)
Макаров. submarine hunting
подводн. spearfishing (spearfishing? hunting sport of underwater hunting that became popular in the early 1930s and after World War II spread rapidly throughout the world. Targets of underwater hunters may include sharks and barracuda in salt water and such nongame species as carp in freshwater. Underwater weapons range from simple hand spears to guns capable of penetrating the largest fish. The simplest weapon is the Hawaiian sling, a wooden tube with an elastic loop at one end. Britannica Alexander Demidov)
подводная охота
: 9 фраз в 7 тематиках
Морской термин1
Общая лексика2
Рыбалка хобби1
Рыболовство промысловое1