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не возражаетударения
разг. it's all right with (In a little while Jones called me back and said it was all right with the boss provided his name was not connected with my problems. ART Vancouver)
не возражать
общ. make no difficulties; make no difficulty; make no sign; approve of (Andrey Truhachev); raise no objection; have no objection (lexicographer); agree to (Andrey Truhachev); agree with (Andrey Truhachev); agree (Andrey Truhachev); be agreeable (to Andrey Truhachev); be agreeable to (Andrey Truhachev); be open to (против чего-либо A.Rezvov)
клиш. be fine with sth. ("Am I able to temporarily park on my lawn if I am a renter? City crews will be doing some paving out front tomorrow so I need to move my van. Is it even legal?" "City won't care as long as your landlord is fine with it. It is usually the neighbours that complain." -- если ваш хозяин не возражает / не против (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
Макаров. behave towardly
разг. be fine about (My dad was fine about me doing modelling at 16 because I always said school was important to me. VLZ_58)
сл. be cool with (That's cool with me. VLZ_58)
юр. accept (Also, a pardon has to be accepted by the person who is pardoned, while a sentence may be commuted without the consent of the convict. 4uzhoj); content (Andrei Titov)
не возражаю
общ. that's cool with me (я); I never mind (Ivan1992)
разг. I don't care if I do (Aly19)
не возражаете?
амер. do you mind? ("Do you mind if I take a nap?" Val_Ships)
не возражаю!
одобр. works for me! (о предложении; также шутливо: "I’d like to put in a request for some warm sunny weather for September." "Works for me!" (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
не возражай
общ. don't argue
не возражает
: 102 фразы в 9 тематиках
Идиоматическое выражение, фразеологизм1
Общая лексика73
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Цитаты, афоризмы и крылатые выражения1