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авиац. weather
воен., арт. meteor conditions
метеор. weather activity
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 по приборам
общ. instrument
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метеоусловия сущ.ударения
авиац. weather
воен., арт. meteor conditions (UK) Meteorological conditions affect a shell in flight. If the meteor conditions vary from the standard ballistic conditions then corrections for these variations have to be applied, particularly if predicted fire is going to be used. Even if the fall of shot is adjusted onto the target the adjusting process may be reduced by applying corrections for meteor. Dealing with meteor conditions is an essential element of indirect fire. 'More)
метеор. weather activity (Andrey Truhachev)
тех. weather condition; meteorological conditions; weather conditions
метеоусловия для
: 8 фраз в 2 тематиках
Военный термин6