
   Русский Английский
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общ. for; downstream of; at the rear of; busy with; occupied with; on to
амер. back from
рекл. in favour
шотл.выр. ahint
юр. acting as
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общ. mockney
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за сокр.ударения
бизн. aye (При голосоании на собраниях и в протоколах shapker)
ЗА сокр.
воен. air defense artillery; antiaircraft artillery
воен., ЗА ADA (air defense artillery – зенитная артиллерия); AAA (зенитная артиллерия – anti-aircraft artillery)
за предл.
быть за
общ. for (we are for peace – мы за мир Alexander Demidov); downstream of (Dzhem); at the rear of (at the rear of the building -- за домом ART Vancouver); busy with (за работой, уроками и т. п.); occupied with (за работой, уроками и т. п.); on to (with verbs of holding, grasping, taking); owing to; at the back of (I. Havkin); in the space of (какой-то промежуток времени: The actors warmed up, got into their costumes and had their makeup put on in the space of 15 minutes, and the show began. Anglophile); here's to (при произнесении тостов: Tony smiled and lifted his glass. 'Here's to you, Amy.' • Cheers! Here's to you and your new house! • Raise your glass. Here's to the good old days! 4uzhoj); in someone's wake (кем-либо, чем-либо: She unfolded herself from the chair and drifted for the exit. The meeting broke up in her wake. 4uzhoj); at (with verbs of sitting); in; with (указывает на средство); across; out of; after (day after day – день за днём); past; without; per (каждого); round; behoof; around; on (что-либо); trans; back of; in favor of (в пользу чего-либо); out (with certain nouns, of); outside (за пределами); pro; outside of (пределами); to (в тостах); within (в течение (о времени), напр., within the last month – Two elections were held within the space of a year. OALD Alexander Demidov); at a distance of; denoting occupation to; because of; before (with до); by (with verbs of taking, grasping, holding bojana); during; on account of; the other side of; over (they were sitting over the fire – они сидели у камина); behind (with verbs of motion); through ("Through three decades of fevered tabloid speculation and whispers of a deeper story, the official account never changed" Phyloneer); over the span of (период времени Ремедиос_П); behind (Behind the glossy image of football lies a history of coercion, corruption and manipulation by three of the most powerful leaders of the 20th Century. bbc.co.uk Nikitusik); to (Let's drink to our health! • Tonight, we drink to Captain Murphy. • After a while John says, "It'll be good to see the mountains again." "Yes, it will," I agree. "one last drink to that!" 4uzhoj); over (over lunch – за обедом vao); in recognition of (достижения: In recognition of his achievement, Edmund Hillary was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II. 4uzhoj); be inaccessible (под) семью печатями (молчания; to; like a sealed book); revenge for (The phrase in Russian connotes “revenge for our children,” apparently in keeping with Moscow’s rationale that the war is being fought to protect the separatist Donbas region and Russia – by Dalton Bennett, Adela Suliman, and Mary Ilyushina Tamerlane); beyond (with verbs of motion); for (with verbs and nouns expressing fear, joy, struggle, death, forgiveness, gratitude, payment, reward, and many others); in exchange for; in place of; indicating how long it takes to accomplish a task in; by (with verbs of taking, grasping, holding); in toasts to; following after; fetch; in pursuit of; doing something; indicating someone's turn; while (watching TV while eating – ... за едой (во время еды) Stas-Soleil); following (в значении "после, вслед за" (That's when Saul and company came following them.) I. Havkin); subject to (subject to exemptions – за изъятиями Stas-Soleil)
Игорь Миг in the span of; at a cost of; -plus
амер. back from
бизн. for (голос: The vote on the motion that the BBKA should withdraw from pesticide endorsement was lost: By show of hands: For 25. Against 30. Abstain 3.)
волейб. "out ball"
дор.движ. past (после указанного нас. пункта: a new mudslide past Squamish -- (на трассе) за Сквомишем ART Vancouver)
Макаров. in favour (of); in (указывает на 1 участие в чём-либо в; 2 включение в); in favour of; under (указывает на наличие подписи, даты и т.п.: under someone's signature – за чьей-либо подписью)
мат. in (определенное время); within (определенное время); as; as at in over across; with; with beyond; across beyond
мор. abaft
нотар. in behalf of
перен. boondocks (= задворки)
полиц., публиц. on the counts of (в знач. "по обвинению в совершении (какого-либо преступления)": Carmine Giovinazzo was arrested on the counts of driving under influence while he was visiting Scottsdale, Arizona last week. 4uzhoj)
редк., назв.произв. towards (Vilém Flusser, "Towards a Philosophy of Photography" – Вилем Флюссер, "За философию фотографии" bojana)
рекл. in favour
сл. for it
СМИ. beyond
тех. downstream (чем-либо) по ходу движения (напр., конвейера essence)
уст. thereout; since (Это союз, а не существительное)
фин. per (указывает на способ отправки); against (sale of a currency against another currency Alexander Matytsin)
шотл.выр. ahint (behind Yerkwantai); ayont (английское beyond КГА)
юр. acting as (в значении: исполняющий обязанности какого-либо должностного лица igisheva); in the name of (Ранее за указанным лицом было зарегистрировано право на недвижимое имущество – Previously, the title to real estate was registered in the name of the specified person Johnny Bravo); as a consideration (что-либо eltoma-global.ru Мария Григорян); on behalf of (кого-либо)
ЗА предл.
воен. air-defense artillery
за- предл.
общ. indicating the beginning of an action (засмеяться, to (begin to) laugh); indicating motion behind (заходить, to go behind); indicating motion beyond (заходить, to go behind); indicating action taken en route (заходить к кому-нибудь, to drop in on someone); indicating absorption to the point of forgetfulness (with -ся, засмотреться, to be lost in contemplation); outside of (with nouns and adjectives); Trans- (with proper nouns and adjectives)
Макаров. trans-
за - предл.
общ. down; trans-
за ... предл.
патент. acting for; for
стоящий или скрывающийся за предл.
амер. back of
За предл.
муз. Onto (Держаться за что либо Shady)
"за!" предл.
тенн. "out!"
 Русский тезаурус
ЗА сокр.
сокр. еженедельник "Завтра"; заграничное учреждение (Maggie); "Зеленая альтернатива" (Австрия); земснаряд-амфибия
сокр., воен. зенитная артиллерия
сокр., тех. заграждённый аэростат; запасный аэродром
: 1 фраза в 1 тематике