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общ. owing to; thanks to; because of; consequent on; on account; along
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общ. coincidence
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общ. circumstance
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вследствие предл.ударения
общ. owing to (sb., sth., чего-л.); thanks to; because of; consequent on; on account; along; on account of; for; on the score of (чего-либо); as a result of (ABelonogov); therefore; out (указывает на причину, основание, цель действия); what with; consequently; considering; due to; by virtue of (чего-либо: It occupied that place in virtue of a conceptual error. • She became a British resident by virtue of her marriage. В.И.Макаров); in response to (They undergo the required conformational changes in response to the rotation of the subunit. I. Havkin); in the aftermath of (в значении "после какого-то события" Пахно Е.А.); out of (I. Havkin); in by virtue of; thereupon (чего-либо, упомянутого выше kee46); in consequence of (чего-л.); out of; in pursuance of; pursuant to; in that (чего-л.); through; born of something (cambridge.org Abysslooker)
Gruzovik in consequence of (prep with gen)
бизн. due to (smth, чего-л.)
Макаров. in the train; in the train of; out; owing (to); as a consequence of; as consequence of; in virtue of (чего-либо)
мат. on account on; on the strength of; so that; in consequence of (групповой предлог); by; by reason of; from; from behind; in view of; so
мед. affected (by Andrey Truhachev); affected by (Andrey Truhachev); secondary to (dependent or consequent on another disease merriam-webster.com Min$draV)
мех. in the consequence of
мор. due
патент. in consideration of
разг. along of; all along of
разг., амер. because of (чего-либо)
сейсм. owing to...
СМИ. on the score (of)
торп. in consequence of
уст. adjunctly; pursuantly
эк. by the impact of (A.Rezvov); as a corollary to (чего-либо A.Rezvov)
энерг. on the score of
юр. as a consequence; Following (Alexander Matytsin); arising from (ART Vancouver)
of вследствие предл.
горн. on the score
вследствие стечения
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