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Доходы от основной деятельностиударения
телеком. Incomes from core activities (Georgy Moiseenko)
доход от основной деятельности
общ. operating surplus; operating income (In accounting and finance, earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT), also called operating profit or operating income is a measure of a firm's profit that excludes interest and income tax expenses.[1] It is the difference between operating revenues and operating expenses. When a firm does not have non-operating income, then operating income is sometimes used as a synonym for EBIT and operating profit.[2] EBIT = Revenue – Operating expenses (OPEX) + Non-operating income Operating income = Revenue – Operating expenses. WAD Alexander Demidov)
банк. operating profit (Alik-angel); operating earnings (Alik-angel)
бизн. operating return; operating revenue; income from operations (bookworm)
бухг. earned income
рекл. operating income (предприятия); operating revenue (предприятия)
эк. income from basic activity
доходы от основной деятельности
ЕБРР. operating income (raf); income from operations (oVoD)
страх. earned income
доходы выручка от основной деятельности
бухг. income (normal trading)
Recurring Operating Income-доход от основной деятельности
фин. ROI (Translation Station)
Доходы от основной деятельности
: 12 фраз в 5 тематиках
Банки и банковское дело1
Бухгалтерский учет кроме аудита2
Европейский банк реконструкции и развития2