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отказал глаг.ударения
воен. bent (код)
"отказал" глаг.
воен. bent (код)
отказаться глаг.
отказаться от; отречься
общ. refuse (to); abdicate; abnegate; balk; abjure; give; backtrack; deny (deny a request – отказать в просьбе; deny oneself every luxury – не позволять себе ничего лишнего); disavow; forego; forsake; recede; release; renounce; resign; retract; declare off (от сделки и т. п.); give up (от работы и т. п.); go back (от своих слов); cop out (от убеждений, принципа); hold up (временно); nix (от чего-либо); sign away; throw overboard (от чего-либо); throw to the winds (от чего-либо); turn tail on (от чего-либо); turn tail upon (от чего-либо); sign over; write off (от чего-либо); back track (kutsch); turn down (от контракта, предложения и т.п. bookworm); retreat from (like in "retreat from threats" bookworm); drop like a hot brick (от кого-либо или чего-либо Anglophile); drop (от услуги triumfov); withdraw (Georgy Moiseenko); foreswear; renunciate; go back (от чего-либо-on); withdraw consent (Alexander Demidov); revoke consent (AD Alexander Demidov); back down (on ssn); chuck in (от чего-либо); cry off (от обещания); back out (of; от участия и т.п.); back out of (от участия и т.п.); relinquish (Taras); shy away from (Liv Bliss); debunk (MichaelBurov); discard; scratch; surrender; put away (от мысли и т. п.); pass (an offer:: Unfortunately, I will have to pass. Perhaps next time. Thanks for the opportunity, though. ART Vancouver); yield up (от чего-либо); park ("The [Litvinenko] issue has not been parked. The fact is that the two governments don't agree. Е It remains an issue between Britain and Russia Е but that does not mean that we freeze the entire relationship," Cameron said at a joint televised news conference with President Dmitry Medvedev in the Kremlin. TMT Alexander Demidov); give notice; sacrifice (Afina_Afina); decline (an offer, etc.)); lay aside; wean off (Tallia); fail; baulk (от мысли и т.п. Dim); deny (deny a request – отказать в просьбе); disown (Mr Putin made no effort to disown the pair on Thursday, instead calling on a "calm discussion" with the Ukrainian authorities about an "equal" prisoner exchange.); rat; give up (от работы, предложения и т.п.); give up; go back on; turn down; reconsider (контекстуальный перевод, например: and then reconsiders his enthusiasm suburbian); forgo something for something (от чего-либо) ради (чего-либо Alex Lilo); ditch in favour of (от чего-либо) в пользу (чего-либо Wif); give off; be off (от намерения); give over; throw by; throw in; throw off; throw up (от места); abandon; repudiate; bag it (от чего-л.); break down; conk out; discharge; dismiss; go out of order; reject; desist (от); forgo (от); waive (от); welsh (от своих слов, обещаний); take a pass (от чего-либо; on something; decline the offer/opportunity/experience felog); not to respond; reject a marriage proposal; beg out (suburbian); recuse (от участия Taras); put by (от чего-либо (привычки, разногласий, принципов и т.п.)
Gruzovik refuse (pf of отказываться)
амер. pass up (от чего-либо) The steak sounds good, but it's hard to pass up the fried chicken.); bail (Taras)
бизн. opt out; give up something (от чего-л.)
греб. withdrawal of entry
дип. disclaim; go back on something (от чего-либо); go back upon something (от чего-либо); renegue; repudiate (or обязательств, договора, уплаты долгов и т.п.); give up (от чего-либо)
дип., амер. renege
идиом. go by the board (от чего-либо; We never use electric shock therapy on mental patients; it's old hat. That treatment went by the board years ago. adivinanza); pull the rip cord (Taras); turn up one's nose at (от чего-либо; часто с отвращением или будучи недовольным от предложенного sixthson); go by the board (от чего-либо: We never use electric shock therapy on mental patients; it's old hat. That treatment went by the board years ago. 'More); throw in the towel (от чего-либо)
инт. opt out (от рассылки и т.п.: Would you like to opt out of this notification? • Employees may opt out of the company's pension plan.); opt out (напр., от показа рекламы: Ads are essential to fund many websites. When you opt out, you'll still see ads by Google–they just won't be based on your interests, your visits to advertiser websites, or demographics. A.Rezvov)
комп., Майкр. abandon (To terminate the current action before it is complete)
Макаров. cancel (от обета, обещания); throw something overboard (от чего-либо); throw something to the winds (от чего-либо); beg off; fling aside; give up (от кого-либо); go back on (от своих слов); go back upon (от своих слов); hold up on; rat on; say no; put away (от мысли)
Макаров., разг. cop out (от убеждений принципа и т. п.); cry off; freeze off
мат. waive
МВФ. opt out (от получения СДР); waive (от права, претензии)
наслед. forgo (от чего-либо; e.g. to forgo future bonuses on an inherited estate алешаBG)
патент. revoke; cede
перен. pull the plug (в контексте: Moore has now given an interview to The Guardian, where he talks about the point where he decided to pull the plug on the Dreamcast project. • The saga surrounding Leeds United's chase for then-Swansea City star Daniel James rumbled on throughout the January transfer window and came to a dramatic halt on deadline day, with the Welsh side pulled the plug on the deal in the 11th hour. Himera); fly back
разг. swipe left (от движения справа налево по экрану сенсорного телефона в смысле "пропустить кандидатуру" на сайте знакомств Tinder, In today's touchscreen world, a "swipe right" is a quick, positive way to communicate interest. Alternately, a "swipe left" is the swiftest way reject something or someone. margarita09); discontinue (от дальнейших услуг: wish to discontinue your service Val_Ships); recuse (от содействия Val_Ships); heave up (от намерения); cop out (от убеждений, принципа и т.п.); ditch (от идеи Анна Ф); chuck up (от чего-либо); beg off (от обещания chronik)
рел. apostacy
сл. bag it (от чего-либо); nixie (от чего-либо); scrap (Damirules)
стр. abandon (от проекта, прав)
уст. falter; bequeath; demise; leave
юр. waive (от права, претензии, иска Victor Parno); waive (от прав, претензий, преимущественных прав); renounce (от обязательств алешаBG)
Gruzovik, прям.перен. not to respond (pf of отказываться); fail (pf of отказываться)
отказать глаг.
общ. cast away (в иске); give out (His body somehow lasted until he was 34 before it finally gave out under the weight of years of brutal drug abuse. 4uzhoj); pay off (кому-л.); put out (от места); turn someone down; fail to operate; turn down; debar; deny; disallow; exclude (exclude somebody from a house – отказать кому-либо от дома); say no; give the basket (сватающемуся); go out of whack; repel; give the sack (жениху); fail to function (Anglophile); turn someone away (кому-либо Tanya Gesse); shut down (кому-либо lavagirl); maloperation; give the mitten (жениху); say nay (кому-либо); cancel on (Hand Grenade); refuse (to say that you will not give sb something that they want or need deny: They refused him a visa. She would never refuse her kids anything. OALD Alexander Demidov); misgive (You may fancy the terror I was in! I should have leaped out and run for it if I had found the strength, but my limbs and heart alike misgave me. (R. L. Stevenson. Treasure Island) Sergei Aprelikov); decline; break down; conk out; discharge; give (по завещанию); withhold (в чём-либо); give notice; reject a marriage proposal; say no to (someone – кому-либо VLZ_58); go out of order; let go (Buildings were evacuated today after a crane from a construction site in downtown Toronto smashed into an office tower causing a public safety hazard. Looks like the luffing brake let go. – отказал крановый тормоз ART Vancouver); say somebody nay (кому-либо); turn away (в просьбе, сдаче жилья и пр.: “There may be a situation where a parent with a young daughter wants to rent out a room in their home and she must share the bathroom and kitchen with the tenant. The parent may only want to rent or share this space with a female for reasons of privacy or safety,” the ministry explained. In this scenario, the landlord would be allowed to turn away male occupants without risking a human rights complaint. (dailyhive.com) ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik decline (pf of отказывать); reject a marriage proposal (pf of отказывать); discharge (pf of отказывать); give notice (pf of отказывать)
авто. fail (в работе)
амер. turn someone down (We turned down Joan, even though her credentials were good.; кому-либо Val_Ships)
бизн. turn down (smth, в чем-л.)
геол. misfire
ж/д. fail (в действии); give way; reject
идиом. give the bird (в ответ на предложение выйти замуж: She gave me the bird when I asked her to marry me. All that remains now are the cold ashes. ART Vancouver); hand the mitten (ухажёру, о девушке ART Vancouver); crap out (о механизме Баян)
каб. break (MichaelBurov)
контр.кач. break out (о приборе)
космон. fail
Макаров., разг. give out
Макаров., тех. come out of action; conk down
патент. overrule; refuse; challenge
разг. poop out (о механизме и т.п. q3mi4)
сл. fritz; burn down; dump; give someone the fluff; kick someone out; go on the fritz (о технике Oleg Sollogub); flag (кому-то); jam out (VLZ_58)
сл., Макаров. fritz out
тех. abort (о механизме); be out of order (о технике Andrey Truhachev); be out of service (о технике Andrey Truhachev); be down (о технике Andrey Truhachev)
уст. bequeath; demise; leave
фин. dismiss
юр. abjudicate (в иске, в признании права судебным решением)
Gruzovik, тех. break down (pf of отказывать); conk out (pf of отказывать)
Gruzovik, уст. bequeath (pf of отказывать); leave (pf of отказывать); demise (pf of отказывать)
отказался глаг.
общ. retracted (АлексКрип)
вежливо отказаться глаг.
общ. pass on (I passed on going to the movies with my friends because I was feeling sick. joyand)
: 2143 фразы в 102 тематиках
Австралийское выражение2
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Шутливо, юмористически5
Юридическая лексика178