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service ['sɜ:vɪs] сущ.
комп., Майкр. yanapakuy (A website or service that a customer can connect in order to share what they've been doing on other websites, see their friends and their updates from other services in Windows Live, or share their Windows Live activity on other websites)
 Английский тезаурус
service ['sɜ:vɪs] сущ.
воен., сокр. ser; serv
сокр. svc
юр. When someone over 18 and not involved with your case gives the other party a copy of the court papers in person or by mail
SERVICE ['sɜ:vɪs] сокр.
сокр., косм. space entry recovery vehicle in commercial environments
Service ['sɜ:vɪs] сущ.
США. A branch of the Armed Forces of the United States, established by act of Congress, which are: the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard (JP 1)
services глаг.
воен., логист. Term pertaining to the three services as well as joint organizations with the exception of the Gendarmerie. (FRA); All the functional organizations in charge of the service support of the Armed Forces in a specific field Are considered: 1. Army services: Quartermaster, Maintenance, Engineer, Signals; 2. joint services whose expenses are included in the Army budget: Post Office, Treasury; 3. joint services whose expenses are not included in the Army budget: Petrol, Oil, and Lubricants, Medical. Services can provide modules included in a contingency operational force. (FRA)
тех., сокр. svs
: 35 фраз в 1 тематике