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к фразам
supplied service
комп., Майкр. usługa automatyczna (A service that an employee receives without taking action or requesting assistance, such as automatic payroll deposit)
supply service
произв.эл. przyłącze n
 Английский тезаурус
supply services
воен., логист. An organization consisting of permanent military command and control organizations and formations whose role is the supply of the forces. The Armed Forces of the икгаіпе have services supplying motor vehicles, clothing, food, medical stores, missiles and artillery munitions, etc. They form a subdivision of overall logistic support and their activities include ordering and taking delivery of items, constituting stocks, stock control, storing and issuing materiel, resupplying lost or expended items, dispatching and delivering items and stock management. (UKR/NATO)
supply, services
: 5 фраз в 5 тематиках
Общая лексика1
Электрические машины1