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комп., Майкр. Простори
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Spaces сущ.
комп., Майкр. Простори (The link to the user's personal online space, with blog functionality, photo albums, and lists, on Windows Live Spaces)
space [speɪs] прил.
комп., Майкр. простор (The approximate location of one or more resources, such as a person, computer, printer, or asset, in a space plan)
 Английский тезаурус
SPACE [speɪs] сокр.
сокр. Safety Planning Awareness Choice And Empowerment; Search Project For Aspects Of Close Encounters; Self Power Assertiveness Courage Esteem; Sisters Playful Anarchy Causes Emergency; Space Provision Artistic Cultural And Educational; Spontaneous Positive Action Creates Energy; Suffolk Partnership Achieving Choice And Experience; Society for Private and Commercial Earth Stations
сокр., воен., авиац. self-programming automatic checkout equipment
сокр., землевед. sample placement and confidence estimation
сокр., ИТ. Strategic Position and Action Evaluation
сокр., комп. self-programming automatic circuit evaluator
сокр., косм. small payload access to space experiment
сокр., нефт. satellite precipitation and cloud experiment
сокр., обр. Strategic Parent And Child Encounters
сокр., обр., науч. Science Processes and Concepts Explanation; Special Programs For Academic And Creative Excellence; Student Programming And Activities For Campus Entertainment; Students Planning And Conducting Engineering; Studying Power And Conserving Energy
сокр., т.м. Speakers For Public Appearances And Cooperative Enterprises
сокр., ф.расш. Symbolic Programming Anyone Can Enjoy
сокр., эл. software package for communication engineering; surface photoabsorption for contrast enhancement process
тех. Shuttle payload contamination evaluation; spacecraft prelaunch automatic checkout equipment; speech processing and control equipment
space [speɪs] сущ.
воен., сокр. sp
комп., Майкр. Space (A personal web presence provided by the Windows Live Spaces service)
Spaces сущ.
комп., Майкр. Space (The link to the user's personal online space, with blog functionality, photo albums, and lists, on Windows Live Spaces)
: 11 фраз в 1 тематике