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SAFE 1996-2000 [seɪf] прил.
здрав. SAFE1996-2000
SAFE 1996-2000 [seɪf] сокр.
здрав. clár SAFE Gníomhaíochtaí Sábháilteachta don Eoraip arb é is aidhm dó sábháilteacht, sláinteachas agus sláinte ag an obair a fheabhsú go háirithe i ngnóthais bheaga agus mheánmhéide
 Английский тезаурус
SAFE [seɪf] сущ.
воен. safe fuze experimental; Selected Area for Evasion; simulation-aided fault evaluation; strategy and force evaluation; system, area, function, equipment
сокр. simulation analysis of financial exposure; Invivo Corporation; Safety Advancement For Employees; Services Against Financial Exclusion; Smurf Amplifier Finding Executive; South Africa Far East; South American And Far East; Strategic Action For Emergencies; Strategic Actions For Emergencies; System to Avoid Fraud Effectively (платежные карты Alexander Matytsin); Safe, Active, and Family Environment; Safety Awareness Faith Empowerment; San Andreas Fault Experiment; Schools Against Fearful Environments; Scream Avoid Fight Escape; Sears Anderson Fire Extinguisher; Secure Approved Family Environment; Secure Automated Financial Exchange; Seek And Find Encouragement; Serve Accept Facilitate And Equip; Sexual Abuse For Everyone; Sharing Adventure, Fellowship, And Experience; Simple Algorithm For Fragmentation Elimination; Simple Appropriate Functional And Economical; Society for the Advancement of Fission Energy; Southwest Association Of Future Educators; Spiritual Ambassadors For Everyone; Staff Against Falls Everywhere; Standard Annual Frequency Estimate; Stay Alert For The Edge; Student Action For Equality; Student Action For The Earth; Student Association Funded Escort; Students Are For Education; Substance And Alcohol Free Environments; Successful Alternatives For Education; Sun Air Food And Exercise; Support Abatement Forfeiture Enforcement; Support for the Analysts' File Environment; Sustainable Agriculture Food Enterprises; Synthetic Agreement for Foreign Exchange
сокр., авиац. society of aeronautic flight engineers
сокр., воен. Safeguarding America For Everyone; Security And Freedom through Encryption; Stand-Alone Fax Encryptor; survivability, assured destruction, flexibility and essential equivalence; secure analyst file environment; selected area for evasion; sexual assault forensic examination
сокр., воен., авиац. safe fuze, experimental
сокр., ИИ. SAFE (System zur automatischen Programmierung)
сокр., комп.сет. secure access facility for enterprise
сокр., комп.сет., ИТ. Security and Freedom through Encryption
сокр., мед. Smokefree Air For Everyone; Safety Assessment For Emergencies; Serostatus Approach To Fighting The Epidemic
сокр., мор., эк. stock assessment and fishery evaluation report
сокр., нефт.газ. Slapper Actuated Firing Equipment Schlumberger (MichaelBurov)
сокр., нефт.газ., сахал.р. Safety Analysis Function Evaluation; safety analysis functional evaluation
сокр., обр. Safety Awareness For Everyone; Skills And Assets For Excellence; Student Awareness Of Fire Education; Substance Abuse Free Environment; Supporting A Friendly Environment; Survivors And Allies For Education
сокр., обр., науч. Student Alliance For Equality; Student Association For Freedom Of Expression
сокр., общ.орг. Safety Awareness for Everyone (Ying)
сокр., сист.без., ИТ. Secure And Fast Encryption
сокр., тех. selected areas for evasion
сокр., фин. simple agreement for future equity (Oddessita)
сокр., ЦБ. South Asia Federation of Exchange
сокр., шотл.выр. Soil Airfield Fighter Environment
сокр., эл. spectrum analysis and frequency engineering; STM aligned field emission microcolumn; STM aligned field emission microsource; system architecture for expansion
сокр., юр. Safe And Friendly Environment; Seniors Against Fraud And Exploitation; Setting Addicts Free Eternally; Sexual Assault Forensic Examination; Sexual Assault Free Environment
тех. safeguards automated facility evaluation; semiautomatic ferret equipment; society for advancement of fission energy; solar array flight experiment
SAFE 1996-2000 [seɪf] сокр.
сокр., ЕС. Programm SAFE zur Verbesserung von Sicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz am Arbeitsplatz, insbesondere in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen
SAFEs сокр.
сокр., эк. Synthetic Agreement for Forward Exchange
Safe [seɪf] сущ.
спорт., сокр. S
SAFER сокр.
сокр. Second Amendment Freedoms For Everyone Rally; Simplified Aid For Eva Rescue; Strategic Actions For Emergency Response
сокр., авиац. special aviation fire and explosion reduction; system for aircrew flight extension and return
сокр., воен. Safety And Fitness Electronic Record; evasion and recovery selected area for evasion SAFE area activation request; behavioural observation system (Yeldar Azanbayev)
сокр., мор., науч. Spectral Application of Finite Element Representation
сокр., нефт.газ., касп. shaping an accident free environment reporting (Yeldar Azanbayev)
сокр., сист.без., ИТ. Secure And Fast Encryption Routine
сокр., трансп. Safe Autonomous Ferry And Emergency Rescue; Safety and Fitness Electronic Records System; Steel And Foam Energy Reduction
сокр., эл. structural analysis, frailty evaluation and redesign
тех. scintillation and false echo removal scheme
энерг. safe environmental remediation; stress and fracture evaluation of rotors
SAFE [seɪf] сокр.
сокр. semi-automatic ferret equipment
сокр., авиац. survival and flight equipment; system for automated flight efficiency; safety and flying equipment
сокр., косм. Survival and Flight Equipment Association
сокр., нефт. safety signal from hydraulic system; slapper actuated firing equipment; surface approximation and formation evaluation; South African Futures Exchange
сокр., фин. State Administration of Foreign Exchange; synthetic agreement for forward exchange
: 45 фраз в 13 тематиках
Иммиграция и гражданство9
Общая лексика4
Окружающая среда1
Пищевая промышленность1
Сельское хозяйство1
Юридическая лексика5