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lm сокр.
астр. Lumen
 Английский тезаурус
Lm сокр.
сокр. lumen range
сокр., землевед. laumontite; limburgite; lumen
сокр., нефт. limestone; lineman; middle latitude
Lms сокр.
сокр., нефт. lumen-second
LM сокр.
воен. land time; launch mount; lethal material; light maintenance; lightweight machinegun
геол. Meander length of river or stream
инвест. liquidity preference money curve
нефт.газ. estimated equivalent dead time; logic manager
сокр. L M; Lab Manual; Labor Managed; Labor Month (Alex Lilo); LadderMonkey (gaming league Alex Lilo); Ladies' Meeting (Alex Lilo); Lady Macbeth (Alex Lilo); Lady Madonna (Beatles song Alex Lilo); Lagrange Multiplier (Alex Lilo); Lambert (unit of luminance; s Alex Lilo); Lan Manager; Land Mean; Language Minority; LanManager (Alex Lilo); Laser Module (Alex Lilo); Last Month; Lata Mangeshkar (Indian singer Alex Lilo); Lateral Meniscus (knee Alex Lilo); Lauis Metis (neutral zone planet from Diaspora Alex Lilo); Lay Midwife (midwife without a medical degree Alex Lilo); Le Mans (Alex Lilo); Lead Man (Supervisor Alex Lilo); Leaky Mode; Learner Model; left male; Left Message (Alex Lilo); Left Motor; Legal Momentum (formerly NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund Alex Lilo); Legg Mason, Inc.; Legion of Merit; Leisure Monitor; Leonard Michaels; Levenberg-Marquardt (algorithm Alex Lilo); Libris Mortis (roleplaying games, Dungeons & Dragons Alex Lilo); Licensed Midwife (Alex Lilo); Licentiate in Medicine; Life Master (Contract Bridge ranking); Life Member (Alex Lilo); Lifetime Maintenance (Alex Lilo); Light Magnum (ammunition Alex Lilo); Light Map; Light Meter; Light Microscope; Lightwave Multimeter (Agilent Alex Lilo); Line Monitor (Alex Lilo); Linear Model; Linear Monolithic; Linux Magazine (Alex Lilo); Linux-Mandrake (Linux Distribution Alex Lilo); Liquid Metal (Alex Lilo); Liquidity And Money; library material; long linear metre; Liquidity-Money (macroeconomic curve that links interest rates and output as a result of interactions in asset markets Alex Lilo); Lisp Maintainer; List Messages; list of material; List of Material/s (Alex Lilo); Litchfield and Madison Railroad (Alex Lilo); Lithium Manganese; Littlewood and Miller (probabilistic model Alex Lilo); liver metastasis (Alex Lilo); Living Marxism; Load Math; Load Multiple (IBM Alex Lilo); Loadmaster (Alex Lilo); Local Machine; Local Macro; Local Manufacture (Alex Lilo); Location Management (Alex Lilo); Lock Manager; Lockheed Martin (Alex Lilo); Logic Module (Alex Lilo); Logistics Management (Alex Lilo); Logistics Manager (Alex Lilo); Long Metre; Loop Modem (Alex Lilo); Lord Mayor; Lord Michael; Lorenz-Mie (Alex Lilo); Loss Of Material; Lost Minions; LoudMusic (Alex Lilo); Love Marriage (Alex Lilo); Love Mode; Low Mass; Low Melt; Low Migration (printing ink Alex Lilo); Low Moment (chemistry Alex Lilo); Lowell Massachussets (.50 caliber ammunition headstamp Alex Lilo); Lower Melting; Luigi's Mansion (video game Alex Lilo); Lumbering Might (computer game Alex Lilo); Lunar Magic (game Alex Lilo); Lunch Menu (Alex Lilo); Lunixmonster (Natural Selection gaming server Alex Lilo); Union Pacific Railroad Company
сокр., авиац. light metal (s); last-minute (cargo); load monitor; laser microscope; laser modulation; lay-up mandrel; leveling means; locator middle; logistics module
сокр., авто. light module
сокр., автомат. language for manipulation; linear motion
сокр., бизн. laboratory material; light metals
сокр., биохим. low-methoxyl pectin
сокр., воен. loop modem
сокр., воен., ПВО. link management
сокр., землевед. Laboratory Model; large meander; less than the minimum; light microscopic electron microscope; line-mean; local mean; lumped mass matrix schemes; lunar excursion module
сокр., контр.кач. laboratory evaluation
сокр., косм. laser machining; laser microprocessor; load measurement; logistic module; Long March; long module; lunar module
сокр., мед. Lactic Acid Mineral (medium); Laryngeal Muscle; Left Main (coronary Artery); Left Marginal (coronary Artery); left main; Licentiate in Midwifery; large movements; lactose malabsorption; Legal Medicine; light minimum; lincomycin; linguomesial; longitudinal muscle; lower motor (neuron, neuron)
сокр., мет. ladle metallurgy
сокр., микроск. Light Microscopy (CRINKUM-CRANKUM); Light Microscopy (CRINKUM-CRANKUM)
сокр., нефт. lime; laser microanalysis; level meter; lime mortar; line marker; linear modulation; liquid membrane; liquid mercury; liquid metals; liquid methane; living matter; load limit; local memory; logging markers; longitudinal magnetism; loss modulus; low modulus; lower medium; mineral lens
сокр., нефт.газ., сахал. linear meter; load moment
сокр., онк. lymphatic malformation (лимфатическая мальформация, лимфангиома doc090); lentigo maligna (злокачественное лентиго doc090)
сокр., полим. low-modulus; low-molecular
сокр., текст. low middling; looping machine
сокр., тех. letter message
сокр., фин. long market
сокр., эк. low middle
сокр., эл. lunar module; land mobile (RE); language model; laser memory; lattice-matched (materials); layer management function; left margin; leg multiple; light modulator; line module; link manager; link margin; link monitor; list of materials & parts; load memory; load module; local manufacturer; local moment; longitudinal magnon; loop multiplexer; learning matrix
сокр., эл.тех. latch magnet; load management
тех. labor management; line man; line mortar; locator, middle
тлв. loading motor
экол. Meander length or river or stream
энерг. land and marine; list of materials; lung model
LM\# сокр.
сокр., нумизм. Logan-Mccloskey Number
Lm сокр.
сокр., связь. mobile L channel
сокр., эк. Maltese lira
lm сокр.
контр.кач. limit
сокр. land mine; landmark; long meter
сокр., эл. lumen
lm. сокр.
сокр., землевед. limit
сокр., тех. lumen
: 3 фразы в 2 тематиках
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