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delta ['deltə] сущ.
фин. deltaværdi; delta
delta A delta is a vast, fan-shaped creation of land, or low-lying plain, formed from successive layers of sediment washed from uplands to the mouth of some rivers, such as the Nile, the Mississippi and the Ganges. The nutrient-rich sediment is deposited by rivers at the point where, or before which, the river flows into the sea. Deltas are formed when rivers supply and deposit sediments more quickly that they can be removed by waves of ocean currents. The importance of deltas was first discovered by prehistoric man, who was attracted to them because of their abundant animal and plant life. Connecting waterways through the deltas later provided natural routes for navigation and trade, and opened up access to the interior. Deltas are highly fertile and often highly populated areas. They would be under serious threat of flooding from any sea-level rise ['deltə] сущ.
окруж. delta
 Английский тезаурус
delta ['deltə] сокр.
сокр., мед. Δ; δ
DELTA ['deltə] сокр.
сокр. Dedication and Everlasting Love To Animals; Dedication Enthusiasm Leadership Teamwork And Attention; Demonstration And Evaluation Of Lighting Technologies And Applications; Developing Ethical Leaders Through Action; Don't Even Let Them Aboard; Duke Of Edinburghs Leadership And Training Award; Developing European Learning through Technology Advance; Diploma in English Language Teaching to Adults (Anglophile)
сокр., воен., авиац. detailed labor and time analysis
сокр., мед. Deaf Education Through Listening And Talking; Descriptive Language For Taxonomy (program); Dietary Effects On Lipoproteins And Thrombogenic Activity
сокр., обр. Dedicated to Enlightened Learning Through Aspiration; Dedicated To Experiential Learning Through Adventure; Distance Education And Learning Technology Applications; Diversity Educating Leaders Towards Appreciation
сокр., обр., науч. Definately Enough Learning To Achieve; Delivering Emerging Learning Technologies Anytime; Drink Eat Laugh Talk And Activities
сокр., окруж. Developing Environmental Leadership Towards Action
сокр., трансп. Doesn't Ever Leave The Airport
сокр., физиол., мед. Dieting Effort Lowering Transfatty Acids
сокр., эл. determination effective levels of task automation; fully depleted lean-channel transistor
тех. differential electronically locking test accessory
DELTAS сокр.
сокр., землевед. delta sediment
Delta ['deltə] сокр.
сокр., шотл.выр. D (phonetic alphabet)
DELTA ['deltə] сокр.
сокр., землевед. Delta Exploration Company, Inc.
сокр., назв.комп. Delta Exploration Company Inc.
: 127 фраз в 22 тематиках
Естественные науки1
Информационные технологии6
Медико-биологические науки4
Научный термин2
Общая лексика1
Пищевая промышленность13
Сельское хозяйство2