
   Английский Китайский
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общ. ; ; 表示某特定的或不言而喻的人或事物; 泛指一类; 或概括地说;
эк. ;
| delegates
комп., Майкр. 委派
| inspection
окруж. 检查
| will not
 will not
общ. 不会
| cause
| undue delay
 undue delay
междун.торг. 不应当的迟延
| or
общ. 或是
| inconvenience
эк. 不合适
| to
| the
| workers
ГЭС. 工人
| in
с/х., животн.
| performing
стал. 预成型
| t
авто. T 型临时用备胎的字母标志
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артикль | сокращение | к фразам
the [ðiː, ðə] арт.
общ. 定冠词 通常不用译出,在某些场合可译成; ; 表示某特定的或不言而喻的人或事物; 泛指一类; 或概括地说; 加在形容词或副词的比较级前; 越发; 反而; 在the… the… 句型中愈…愈…; 越…越…
эк. ;
the- арт.
 Английский тезаурус
THE [θi:] сокр.
сокр., землевед. technical help to exporters
THE [ðiː, ðə] арт.
воен. transportable helicopter enclosure
сокр. Thomas Hewitt Edward Cat; Turds Hear Evil
сокр., авиац. Teresina, PI, Brazil; test equipment hookup; twin engine helicopter
сокр., вет., мед. The Humane Environment
сокр., журн. Times Higher Education
сокр., здрав. total health expenditure
сокр., мед. Tetrahydrocortisone E; Tonic Hind Limb Extension; Transhepatic Embolization; Transhiatal Esophagectomy; Tropical Hypereosinophilia
сокр., физиол., мед. Thermometer
сокр., холод. tubular heat exchanger
сокр., эл. Technische Hogeschool Eindhoven
сокр., юр. THREE HOURS EXTRA Television privileges
стат. Thunderstorm Event
тех. tape-handling equipment; tube heat exchanger
энерг. thermochemical exhaust
the [ðiː, ðə] арт.
общ. adverb (prefixed to a comparative means "thereby" or 'by so much', e.g. What student is the better for mastering these futile distinctions? This combination can enter into the further construction seen in The more the merrier (i.e. 'by how much more, by that much merrier'). It cannot enter into a construction with than: the tendency to insert it before more and less (putting any the more, none the less for anymore, no less) should be resisted, e.g. in The intellectual release had been no less (not one the less) marked than the physical. - The Oxford Guide to English Usage Alexander Demidov)
сокр., сл. teh (использование слова teh вместо the указывает на несерьёзность сказанного Adrax)
The [θi:] сокр.
сокр., назв.орг. Asia-Pacific Regional Network for Small Hydro Power
The delegates' inspection will not cause undue delay or inconvenience to the workers in performing
: 1 фраза в 1 тематике