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ИТ. 下确界
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inf сущ.
ИТ. 下确界
inf. сущ.
судостр. 信息; 资料; 通知
 Английский тезаурус
INF сокр.
сокр., авиац., Канада. inland navigation fix
сокр., бизн. infiltration; infuse
сокр., воен. Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty; Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty
сокр., землевед. interaction of snowmelt infiltration; interplanetary field
сокр., назв.орг. Office of Information
сокр., ф.расш. Hypertext help system file (OS/2)
сокр., эл. imaged near field; intermediate network facility; irredundant normal form
inf сокр.
сокр., воен. information INF
сокр., ген. integration deficient mutant
сокр., грам. infinitive (http://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/inf?showCookiePolicy=true ssn)
сокр., нефт. infimum, greatest lower bound
сокр., эл. infinum
inf. сокр.
сокр. infantry; infuse
INFS сокр.
сокр. In Focus Systems, Inc.
сокр., ф.расш. Internet Network File System
сокр., физиол., мед. Integrative Nuclear FGFR Signaling
INF сокр.
воен. interceptor night fighter; international nuclear forces
сокр. Infantry; Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces; Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces; International Nuclear Forum
сокр., авиац. infant (Alexey Lebedev)
сокр., биол. interferone
сокр., бирж. Infinity Broadcasting Corporation
сокр., воен. Intermediate Nuclear Forces
сокр., воен., ОМП. Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty
сокр., ИТ. Hypertext help system file; Information; Setup information; installation file format
сокр., мед. Infant; Infantile; Infection; Infective, Infected; Inferior; Infirmary; Infundibulum; Infusion; Interferon; International Neuroendocrine Federation; interferon
сокр., ф.расш. Any information (Vosoni); OS/2 hypertext help system file (VIEW.EXE Vosoni)
сокр., физиол., мед. Infarction; Infected; Infusion, Inferior
сокр., шотл.выр. Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (treaty)
inf сокр.
грам. infinitive; informal (ssn)
мед. infusion (Vosoni)
сокр. infantry; inferior; infinite; infinity; inform; information; interface; interference
inf. сокр.
грам. informal (ssn)
сокр., мед. inferior; infant
Inf. сокр.
сокр. infinite
сокр., землевед. infinity; information
.inf сокр.
ф.расш. Information (file name extension)
: 1 фраза в 1 тематике
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