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комп., Майкр. প'ৰ্ট; প'ৰ্ট কৰক
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port [pɔ:t] сущ.
комп., Майкр. প'ৰ্ট (An actor's interface component through which actors communicate with other actors); প'ৰ্ট কৰক (To change a program in order to be able to run it on a different computer)
 Английский тезаурус
PORT [pɔ:t] сокр.
сокр. Portable Outstanding Reliable And Tested; Projects, Objectives, Results, Technologies; Providing Options And Resources Today; portable
сокр., авиац. part and order release tracking; photo optical recorder tracker
сокр., авто. intake or exhaust port; portion
сокр., воен. Portable
сокр., воен., авиац. portable
сокр., комп.сет. portable radiotelephone terminal
сокр., мед. Psychosocial Oncology Research Training. Programme En Oncologie Psychosociale Pour La Recherche Transdisciplinaire; Patient Outcome Research Team; Programmable Oral Release Technologies
сокр., обр. People Offering Resources Together
сокр., онк., мед. Pediatric Oncology Resource Team
сокр., полит. Portugal
сокр., эл. photo-optical record tracker
port [pɔ:t] сущ.
общ. portamento
воен., сокр. pt
сл. suitcase (portmanteau)
сокр. portrait; p (Vosoni)
сокр., землевед. portable
сокр., нефт. portable
торг. ports
PORTS сокр.
сокр., воен. Physical Oceanographic Real Time System; Port Characteristics File; portable remote telecommunications system
сокр., воен., авиац. portable receive/transmit station
сокр., землевед. physical oceanographic real-time system
сокр., косм. portable remote telecommunications system; portable receive and transmit system
сокр., нефт. physical ocean real-time system
воен. Portable Receive and Transmit System; Portable Remote Telecommunications System; Seaports Files
воен., сокр. Portable Remote Telecommunications System; Seaports Files; Portable Receive and Transmit System
Port. сущ.
геогр. Portugal (Vosoni)
сокр. Portuguese
сокр., землевед. Portugal
ports. сокр.
сокр., библиот. portraits
port Port number [pɔ:t] сущ.
ИТ. The act of probing a system to identify open ports
Port [pɔ:t] сокр.
сокр. Left side (looking forward)
port. сокр.
сокр., библиот. portrait
PORT [pɔ:t] сокр.
сокр., мед. Patient Outcomes Research Team (ННатальЯ); Pneumonia Outcomes Research Team (Игорь_2006)
сокр., офт. punctate outer retinal toxoplasmosis (doc090)
: 3 фразы в 1 тематике