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SDT skr.akcenty
Gruzovik, wojsk. обнаружение и сопровождение объектов в космическом пространстве (space detection and tracking)
olej. Прибор регистрации акустических параметров в цифровой форме (Johnny Bravo)
progr. таблица описания служб (сокр. от Service Description Table; см. ГОСТ Р 54456-2011 ssn)
psych. теория самодетерминации (soulveig)
sach. методы статического прогиба; цифровой акустический каротаж (digital sonic log); ЦАК (digital sonic log)
 Angielski tezaurus
SDT skr.
skr. Specially Designated Terrorist; Shipper Declaration for the Transport of Dangerous Goods (FIATA form); Software Development Tools; Source Data Terminal; Start Data Traffic (Vosoni); Synchronous Data Transport; Systems Development Tool; segment descriptor table (ssn); sequential decision tree (ssn); shallow draft tug (Johnny Bravo); static debugger trap; structured data transfer; syntax-directed translation
skr., bizn. short dry tons
skr., chłodz. saturated discharge temperature
skr., eduk. Show Don't Tell
skr., elektron. scientific distribution technique; second dial tone; serial data transmission; service data table; software design tool; software development tool; software development toolkit; special dial tone; sputter deposition technique; structured data transfer mode; structured design tool; surface damage threshold; synchronous digital transmission; system diagnostic test; system down time; signal-detection theory
skr., hand. special and differential treatment
skr., hodowl. Society of Dairy Technology
skr., inżyn. step-down transformer
skr., lotn. Saidu Sharif, Pakistan; short data transfer; simplified documentation team; sanding fixture; simulated data tape; software development tape; speedy drill template; step down transformer; structure decision table; structural development test; structural dynamic test article
skr., med. Right Sacrotransverse (fetal Position, Lat. Sacrodextra Transversa); Slow Dissolve Tablet; serial dot test (ННатальЯ); sexually transmitted disease; spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda
skr., medyc. signal detection theory
skr., nauka o z. sector development team (IDWSSD)
skr., progr. Service Description Table (ssn)
skr., progr., technol. Sdl Design Tool
skr., przestrz. space detection and tracking; structural dynamic test
skr., radio single diode-triode
skr., ropa / r. sonic differential time; sea depth transducer
skr., sach. digital sonic log; sonic digital tool
skr., sport San Diego Tekken
skr., szkoc.ang. Shipboard Data Terminal (USA); Special Duties, Temporary; Strategic Defense Triad (USA); System Development Tool
skr., technol. SmartDraw template; Stonefield Database Toolkit; service description table
skr., wojsk. Signal Detection Theory; Software Development Test; Ship Detection and Tracking; shock-to-detonation transition
skr., włók. simultaneously draw-textured
skr., znak. Security Dynamics Technologies
techn. slowing down time
wojsk. self-destroying tracer; shipboard data terminal; strategic defense triad; surveillance data transmission; system dynamic tester
SDT -- skr.
skr. sonic digital tool
: 5 do fraz, 1 tematyki